12 Tips For Women Who Travel Alone

12 tips for solo female travelers

More and more women are launching themselves into the adventure of traveling, living unforgettable moments and conquering the world, but even in these modern times there are some factors that you must pay attention to in order to truly enjoy the trip.

So,  if you need a push to travel alone, keep reading, we give you some valuable advice

Helpful tips for solo female travelers

1. Light luggage

We know that women love to wear a lot of clothes to choose what to wear, but it is important to moderate in the amount of clothing to avoid suitcases that are too large and impossible to move.

Woman on the Franz Glacier
Glacizr Franz, New Zealand – Naruedom Yaempongsa

Another issue to consider is the choice of handbag. It is important that it is comfortable and has divisions with closures so that the belongings are more secure.

2. Hygiene

As women we must take into account our personal hygiene products, it is recommended to carry enough feminine products such  as sanitary pads, tampons, etc. You should bring enough for the days that your trip will last, in case you do not get your usual brand or you are in isolated places where it may be difficult to acquire them.

3. Accommodation

Accommodation is a fundamental point, it is necessary to take into account aspects such as that the hotel is small in order to have personalized attention. The location, in a safe and easily accessible area, is very important.

4. Transfers in the city

If it is necessary to take taxis, it is key to choose them well. In hotels they can offer good recommendations and generally have reliable taxi services. There are also numerous applications for obtaining taxis that can be loaded onto an electronic device.

5. Budget

Keep a budget that is global. Sometimes a plane ticket to a distant country is expensive, but once there the cost of living is low. Therefore, the total expenditure may be less than if you go to a nearby country where the standard of living is higher.

6. Credit cards

It is recommended to carry two cards, one credit and the other debit, to take advantage of both. Better if they are from different networks in case only one of them works in the place you are going or, if one of the networks has a problem, being able to use the other.

7. Language

Bring a phrase dictionary or a pictogram book to help you if you don’t speak the language. There are small books full of all kinds of really useful symbols for the trip, from drawings of food or means of transport to various medical situations.

8. Find out about customs

It is important to take into account the culture of the country where you go, the position of women in society is not the same in all countries of the world. That is why it is always advisable to obtain information on local customs and, where possible, respect them.

9. Don’t share your personal information

Do not give personal information to strangers,  no one has to know that you are traveling alone, or where you are staying, or if you are carrying valuables. One of the best answers is to say that you are staying with a friend and that you frequent the place, so it will give the impression that you know the place and you will not be easy prey for malicious people.

Woman photographing a beach

10. Prevention is the best solution

Take a copy of your documents with you and leave the originals in the hotel’s safe, it is a recommended measure so as not to have an upset.

It is also advisable to carry the addresses and data of embassies and consulates in the destination to have them in case you need them.

11. Security

You should always be vigilant in the street, have a small flashlight in case it gets dark and the street is dark, not wear ostentatious jewelry that could be tempting for a thief and carry documents, money and cards in different places.

12. Always in touch

It is convenient for a family member to have all the information on the itineraries, hotels and daily activities. Technology can give us a hand with this, you can have an application on your smartphone to always be located by another person.

Because we are women, there is always the fear that if we travel alone terrible things can happen to us just because we are women. The only way to find out is to go out and experience it, but with a well thought out and organized plan. By paying attention to these tips, you are sure to enjoy a spectacular journey  and a successful exploration of the world.

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