3 Unusual Corners Of Andalusia

3 unusual corners of Andalusia

Andalusia is a land full of contrasts that offers the traveler the magic of its most unusual corners.  Places that take the gazes of astonishment from their visitors. From stunning natural settings to palaces steeped in the past, this gypsy land is admirable for its unusual beauty.

Next, we are going to travel to those unusual corners that are unique in Andalusia. The most curious travelers will undoubtedly want to visit these places imbued with magic one day. Organizing a getaway will be much easier knowing something of these fantastic places.

1. The Rio Tinto, Huelva

Rio Tinto
Rio Tinto, Huelva – Jose Arcos Aguilar

The Tinto River owes its name to the color of its waters as a result of the decomposition of its rocks, which dye it an oxide red color. This river begins in the Sierra del Padre Caro and continues to flow 100 kilometers until it reaches Huelva. It shares its waters with the Odiel river, with which it completely merges.

This Andalusian river is so unusual that it was chosen by NASA to be studied for its possible resemblance to the planet Mars. The river includes microorganisms in its depths that can adapt to totally extreme habitats, something that makes it even more strange and interesting for NASA scientists.

Wagons in Rio Tinto
Río Tinto, Huelva – Enrique Hinojosa Rosado / Flicr.com

According to studies, in the depths of the Rio Tinto life is not possible in any way. However, it has been discovered that there are microscopic organisms inhabiting heavy metals that do not need oxygen to survive.

2. The Castle of La Iruela, Jaén

Iruela Castle
Castle of Iruela, Jaén – Fernando Bueno / Flickr.com

The castle of La Iruela offers a unique vision. It stands imposingly on a giant rock in the Sierra de Cazorla. This place was the home of the Templars and it was an architectural challenge to build it on this rugged site in the early 16th century. A castle that was invaded and burned by the French in 1810 due to the hostility of its neighbors.

This place has three walled enclosures in an Arab-medieval style and the Christians expanded the structure in the 13th century. Inside the castle is the Church of Santo Domingo, dating from the 16th century, a place dedicated to Santo Domingo de Silos. In the highest part of the great rock is the Torre del Homenaje, the most representative of the place.

Aerial view of the castle of Iruela
Castillo de Iruela, Jaén – José Castillo / Flickr.com

The Castle of La Iruela is part of the Natural Park of the Sierra de Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas. This place is visited by millions of tourists year after year due to the wide range of stories that invade it.

3. El Torcal de Antequera, Malaga

Rocks in the Torcal de Antequera
Torcal de Antequera, Malaga – David Salcedo

El Torcal de Antequera presents a set of limestone stones that have taken very particular forms. Also called “mushrooms”, the rocks of this place have been molded over the centuries. Its most emblematic rock is called “screw” and it is the largest in relation to the others.

These rocks are of marine origin, so valuable prehistoric fossils can be found. For the most curious there is an observatory in this place from where you can see the stars at night. In addition, guided tours are organized to discover the natural and historical wealth of this place. Many hikers have tried to climb the rocks of Antequera.

They are three completely different places but they show the great beauty and variety of a Spanish region as wonderful as Andalusia. Do you know any of them?

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