4 Towns In The Province Of Lugo That You Cannot Miss

The province of Lugo has an unprecedented natural and cultural wealth. There are charming towns that are worth visiting.
4 towns in the province of Lugo that you cannot miss

The Atlantic Ocean, the Galaico massif and the Miño make up the natural borders of Galicia, a historical region that occupies the extreme northwest of the Iberian Peninsula. Its wealth is enormous, but in this case we suggest you discover some wonderful towns in the province of Lugo that perfectly combine the natural with the urban.

1. Towns in the province of Lugo: Foz

Basilica of San Martín de Mondoñedo
Basilica of San Martín de Mondoñedo – Jose Luis Cernadas Iglesias / Flickr.com

It is located on the Cantabrian coast, next to the mouth of the Masma river, in the Foz estuary. This small municipality is divided into nine parishes and is one of the most attractive enclaves due to its coastal location.

It has many monuments and places of interest, such as the Mariscal Pardo de Cela tower, located next to the church of San Salvador de Castro de Ouro. This dates from the 15th century and houses in its main chapel a fresco of La Piedad with lateral figures of San Juan, María Magdalena and a skull.

Another of its treasures is the castle of A Frouxeira, which is located on a rocky outcrop with a spectacular visual domain of the Foz estuary, the valley and the lands of Alfoz. But if there is a significant monument, it is the Basilica of San Martín de Mondoñedo, an 11th century Romanesque temple considered the oldest cathedral in Spain.

If its tourist attractions are attractive, its varied cuisine is no less. Here you can taste abundant Galician dishes that in these coastal enclaves are, if possible, more exquisite.

2. Cervantes

Castro de Cervantes
Castro de Cervantes – Certo Xornal / Flickr.com

If we move to the eastern part of the province, in the heart of the Os Ancares Lucenses region, we will be surprised by a landscape with abundant wooded remains that houses an unprecedented plant wealth. The toponym Cervantes is linked to the root ‘cer’, land of deer, evoking a possible prehistoric cult towards this animal in this beautiful place.

The monumental wealth of this municipality is very wide and varied. Here we can mention archaeological remains such as the Castro de Cervantes to its typical and numerous Galician pallozas . It also has numerous chapels and churches that mark the municipal area, such as those of Santo Tomé de Cancelada or Santa María de Dorna.

Castles, fauna, rivers and mountains complete, as evidenced by its heraldic shield, the reality of what we can find in Cervantes.

3. Palas de Rei

Church of San Tirso in Palas de Rei
Church of San Tirso

It is perhaps one of the towns in which the Romanesque of the Camino de Santiago influences most effectively. This small town located in the Ulloa region, to the west of the province, is considered one of the most beautiful towns in the province of Lugo.

In Palas de Rei numerous archaeological remains from its historical past are preserved. These make us participants of the presence that the military culture had in this area. Also here are some of the best examples of medieval architecture in the entire province.

A visit to the Romanesque church of Vilar de Donas, declared a historic-artistic monument, is essential. Nor should you miss the castle of Pambre, one of the best-preserved medieval fortresses in Galicia.

As a curious fact, some experts agree that the Coruña writer Emilia Pardo Bazán set Los Pazos de Ulloa here, a work in which she described the deepest Galicia. Speaking of pazos, Palas de Rei is considered an obligatory rest stop on the Camino de Santiago. In addition, it has numerous rooms for the use and enjoyment of tourists and pilgrims.

4. More towns in the province of Lugo: Mondoñedo

Cathedral of Mondoñedo, one of the most beautiful towns in Lugo
Mondoñedo Cathedral

Mondoñedo is a town located between mountains just twenty kilometers from the coast and rests next to the Valiñadares river. Precisely, these two elements, rivers and mountains, give rise to its place name since mund refers to ‘mountain’ and onna , of Celtic origin, is ‘river or source’.

It is a town with a lot of history and tradition, because during the Middle Ages it reached such importance that King Alfonso VII of León granted it the title of city.  Among its most emblematic buildings, it is worth highlighting the 13th century Basilica de la Asunción cathedral ; the episcopal palace or the Old Town Hall, today converted into a municipal library.

Its extensive monumental legacy is harmonized by a set of gastronomic fairs such as the As Quendas Festivities, where empanadas are tasted that constitute the local gastronomic star. Here they also celebrate a Medieval Market in August.

Galicia’s cultural and artistic heritage is like that of its rivers: generous and crystalline. And what better way to discover it than visiting these 4 towns in the province of Lugo that, as a good traveler, you cannot miss.

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