5 Beautiful Villages Near Lake Sanabria

5 beautiful towns near Lake Sanabria

Near Lake Sanabria there is a string of towns that are worth a visit. Small towns full of charm, that show a unique traditional architecture or that are a perfect starting point to visit one of the most beautiful natural spaces on the Iberian Peninsula. Also, of course, they are ideal to stay.

The Sanabria lake

Sanabria Lake
Lake Sanabria – Segundo Sánchez / Flickr.com

Located in the province of Zamora and a thousand meters above sea level, Lake Sanabria is the largest lake of glacial origin in Spain and one of the largest in Europe.

The lake gives its name to a fabulous natural park, is surrounded by forests and has beaches equipped for swimming. Around it there are campigs to stay, but if you are looking for something more comfortable, the towns near Lake Sanabria are perfect.

What towns near Lake Sanabria to visit?

Any of these towns near Lake Sanabria are ideal to enjoy a rural weekend or a relaxing getaway. In them you can enjoy charming corners, beautiful surroundings and, of course, delicious cuisine.

1. Puebla de Sanabria

Puebla de Sanabria
Puebla de Sanabria – ANSELM PALLÀS / Flickr.com

It is a beautiful town that includes four towns: Ungilde, Robledo, Castellanos and Puebla. The town center is located in the middle of an incredible natural setting, a complement to the beauty that you will find as soon as you step foot in this town, declared a Historic-Artistic Site.

The heritage of Puebla de Sanabria is really extensive and it is worth visiting it without looking at the clock. The castle of the Counts of Benavente stands out, a 15th century fortress located at the top of a promontory.

You must also see the church of Santa María del Azogue, built in the 12th century in Romanesque style; the town hall, on one side of its Plaza Mayor; and the fort of San Carlos, located outside the walls.

2. Galende

Galende near Lake Sanabria
Galende – Porlapaz / commons.wikimedia.org

It is only 24 kilometers from the border with Portugal. The River Tera runs through the town and creates a beautiful riverside landscape.

The town is divided into three neighborhoods. On the one hand, there is the Barrio Bajo, on the banks of the river and next to the old mill dam. The second neighborhood is Meillugar, where we find the main building of the town, the church. And the third neighborhood is Cima, which is next to the road and is where you can find accommodation, restaurants and bars.

3. Ribadelago

Ribadelago near the lake of Sanabria
Ribadelago Nuevo- M.Peinado / Flickr.com

In Sanabrés it is called Riballagu and it also belongs to the municipality of Galende. And it’s worth naming for a number of reasons. In the first place, because part of the legends that surround the lake are related to it. Second, because it was one of the places that inspired Miguel de Unamuno to write  San Manuel Bueno, martir.

The third reason is a terrible tragedy. It happened on January 9, 1959. A break in the Vega de Tera dam caused a flood that swept through the town and took the lives of 144 people. The town was rebuilt, but not in its original location.

4. Trefacio

Trefacio on Lake Sanabria
Trefacio – Maximum Crowd / commons.wikimedia.org

Another of the towns near Lake Sanabria. It has a great ethnographic heritage, highlighting the popular festival of the Talanqueiras, every December 25.

The most important building in Trefacio is the parish church of San Mamé, in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento, with a unique facade and portal, as well as a bell tower. Another outstanding site is the old priest’s house, a place that was used for the passage of pilgrims.

5. San Martín de Castañeda

San Martín de Castañeda near Lake Sanabria
San Martín de Castañeda – M.Peinado / Flickr.com

It belongs to the municipality of Galenda and the Cistercian monks decided to build a monastery there in the 16th century. Some parts of it are still preserved and today it houses a nature interpretation center of the Sanabria Lake Natural Park.

This religious construction was one of the largest in the province of Zamora until the 19th century and one of the most outstanding monasteries in the Kingdom of León. Another prominent place is the church of San Martín de Tours, the town’s patron, with its frieze on the door, its Renaissance altarpiece and a gold stalls.


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