5 Interesting Facts About Russia That You Did Not Know

5 interesting facts about Russia that you did not know

The largest country in the world has a lot to offer us when it comes to tourism. If you are a “curious” visitor, if you like to inquire about destinations beyond the typical routes, then you will like to know these interesting facts about Russia. They will amaze you!

Curiosities about Russia that every tourist should know

Issues related to  its geography, its landscapes, the lives of residents and even the tourist attractions attract attention in Russian lands, a country so large that it could encompass hundreds of nations in its territory.

1. Millions of square kilometers

Russia has an area of ​​17.1 million km² and represents one eighth of the earth on our planet.

Shape volcano in Kamchatka
Shape Volcano in Kamchatka – ZinaidaSopina

60% of the country is covered with forests and 10% with swamps. In addition, in all its extension it is crossed by 2 million rivers and has 3 million lakes. Two-thirds of Russia belongs to Asia and the remainder to Europe.

Being so extensive, it has 10 time zones and borders 16 countries.

2. The cat museum

It is not an exhibition about the beautiful felines but … that the cats live there! In the city of Saint Petersburg there is one of the largest museums, the Hermitage. In this place there are some unconventional tenants … about 70 cats.

They are tasked with protecting the treasures stored in the basement so that the rodents don’t feast. The weirdest thing of all is that they have their booths and are fed daily. That is, they are luxury guests.

Hermitage Museum
Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg – Popova Valeriya / Shutterstock.com

The tradition of having cats to kill rats is very prevalent in Russia.  It began in the 18th century, when the Empress Elizabeth I signed a decree so that all the kittens in the city of Kazan were taken to the Winter Palace (now a museum) so that the royal rooms were not crowded with rodents.

3. Record transports

The longest railway in the world, the well-known Trans-Siberian railway, operates in Russia. Its route crosses almost the entire country in a journey of more than 9 thousand kilometers.

It departs from Moscow and ends in Vladivostok, a port city on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. This incredible experience takes 152 hours to complete. But the good news is that you can descend at all the stations you want.

Trans-Siberian – Dmitry Laudin / Shutterstock.com

Since we are talking about means of transport, the Moscow metro has several interesting facts. For example, in order to build it, fossil remains such as prehistoric mollusks were used. In addition, at the “Plaza de la Revolución” station there are 76 bronze sculptures that honor soldiers, workers, peasants and sailors, among other proletariat.

4. Of drinks (not only alcoholic)

We all know that in Russia vodka is drunk every day to alleviate the cold. This custom is so old that no one knows exactly when it started. What is known is that this drink has the ability to increase body temperature in harsh winter. The bad news is that 20% of Russian men have alcohol-related illnesses.

Moscow – S.Borisov

But you can not only drink vodka in Russia. Tea with salmovar is also very common, a utensil that allows water to heat and maintain temperature. If you want to buy a souvenir or souvenir of your trip through Russian lands, it is a picturesque and at the same time useful option.

5. Superstitions and customs

If you have to visit a Russian at home or in an office… Don’t even think about shaking hands on the portal! Popular belief indicates that if you do that you will attract bad luck and the meeting will more than likely end in discussion.

Another of the superstitions among Russian men is not to give a dozen roses to their partners. They never actually do it in an even number because that is reserved for funerals. So 3, 5, 7… is allowed. But never 4, 6, 8 …

We end with a fact that will leave you “frozen”:  Russia is the coldest place on the planet, the village of Oimiakón. The temperature in winter reaches … 70 ° below zero! Among the inhabitants of this area, someone who lowers the ear flaps of his hat when it is more than -20 ° C is considered “weak”… that is to be brave!

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