6 Magical Places In The UK

6 magical places in the UK

Many are the magical places, far from the classic monuments and museums, that we can find in the United Kingdom. Its centuries of history, culture and tradition, as well as its incredible landscapes mean that on any route through the country you can find wonderful corners, full of magic and mystery. We are going to know some of them, we will do it according to your situation.

Magical places in England

We start in England. What can we find there?

1. Stonehenge

View of stonehenge
Stonehenge – jaroslava V

It is one of the most popular destinations and one that, despite being approximately 40 centuries old, continues to surprise.

This construction from the end of the Neolithic period is formed by a set of huge rocks arranged in a circular shape and all surrounded by a moat.

Currently, the use that could be given to it and what function this structure fulfilled is unknown. Equally, the ability to lift such sandstone blocks in a gantry arrangement seems astonishing.

Those who built this structure also had to have astronomical knowledge, due to the relationship it has with the rising and setting of the Sun, as well as lunar cycles.

2. Durham

Durham Cathedral
Durham Cathedral – Linda / Flickr.com

One of the most magical places that attracts the most people is undoubtedly the city of Durham, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1986.

One of its greatest attractions is the magnificent Romanesque-style cathedral, built around 635. In recent years it has been a source of pilgrimage due to its appearance in the Harry Potter film series, acting as Hogwarts College. It is easy to recognize its main nave, as well as its interior arches and its 17th century rose window.

Magical places in Scotland

We now go to the Scottish lands, full of legends and fantastic and mysterious stories.

3. Edinburgh

View of edinburgh
Edinburgh – Shaiith

One of the most surprising places in Scotland is Edinburgh. As soon as you enter the city, its majestic castle, perched on the volcanic hill known as Castle Hill, will leave us speechless.

Inside it is guarded the “Stone of Destiny”, a rock on which kings were crowned. Likewise, jewels and other treasures are exhibited. In the courtyard, every day at one o’clock in the afternoon, the impressive cannon is fired.

4. Isle of Skye

Landscape in Isle of Skye
Isle of Skye – FrankWinkler / Pixabai.com

The Isle of Skye is a small inland island located in the north of Scotland. Its rugged terrain creates an enormous coastal contrast, with notable rocky elevations produced by magmatic activity.

Its most significant mountain range is Cuillin. Its journey is one of the most sought after adventures by true explorers, although it should be noted that the conditions are extreme due to its weather and the absence of water.

In contrast to the basalt that covers the Skye region, we see an enormous biodiversity with hundreds of endemic species, whose flowers in spring stand out for their striking colors, as seen in the Glen Brittle Valley.

Magical places in Ireland

We change island and direct our steps to Ireland.

5. The Giant’s Causeway

Giant's Causeway
Giant’s Causeway – Javier T / Flickr.com

The mysterious Giant’s Causeway, in the Northern Ireland region, is another of the destinations that causes the greatest amazement. Why? Because it is a place strewn with strange basaltic formations,  columns whose age exceeds 60 million years originated by the rapid cooling of the lava when it reaches the earth’s surface. There are an estimated 40,000 columns.

However, its name derives from a local legend, which recreates the fight between two giants on both shores of the sea. After the continuous throwing of rocks, one of them was finally able to cross it, although it had to retreat with great strides, which caused the ditches that can be seen today.

6. Dark Hedges

Dark Hedges
Dark Hedges – horslips5 / Flickr.com

As is well known, much of the fables and legends about goblins, gnomes and other mythological creatures have their origin in Ireland. As a sample of the places that welcome this type of beings we have the so-called Dark Hedges, a section that we can cross from the Bregagh Road.

At a certain point, the route is completely covered due to the crossing of the branches of the trees, which causes a unique place. In spring, its flowery foliage almost completely blocks the sun’s rays.

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