7 Beaches In Liencres To Forget About Everything

Liencres has some of the most beautiful beaches on the Cantabrian coast. We take a little tour of them.
7 beaches in Liencres to forget about it all

Liencres is a beautiful town on the Cantabrian coast that stands out precisely for its beaches. For this reason, below we are going to visit some of those beaches of Liencres, which stretch along 8 kilometers of coastline, as well as everything that each of them offers. Are you accompanying us on this tour?

Cerrias beach, one of the Liencres beaches         

Beach in Liencres
Liencres – Javier Colmenero / Flickr.com

It is a beach of fine golden sand that is about three hundred meters long and is protected by the large rocks that surround it. It does not offer any type of service, such as a lifeguard or showers. However, if what you are looking for is tranquility, it is a very good option, since it has a low occupancy.

To get there by car, you must take a detour at the height of the CA-231 road. After passing the residential area of ​​the Cerrias neighborhood, all you have to do is park and go down a wooden staircase until you reach the sand. Unfortunately, it is not accessible for people with reduced mobility.

Portío Beach

Portío beach in Liencres
Portío Beach – Chalo Alonso / Flickr.com

In front of the previous beach is that of Portío, which stands out for its almost virgin environment. And it is surrounded by cliffs of great geological and scenic interest. Regarding it, say that it is only 150 meters long, that it is composed of golden sand and that it lacks equipment.

Also, being close to Liencres, it is easily accessible on foot and, therefore, there is no need to take any type of transport. To this is added its tranquility. However, not all are advantages, as the water is very cold and there are many rocks, although the clarity and the absence of waves make bathing easier.

La Arnía Beach

La Arnía Beach in Liencres
La Arnía Beach – Francisco Javier Gil

Another of the Liencres beaches is La Arnía. Without a doubt , one of the most beautiful due to its landscape composed of limestone cliffs, small islets and an abrasion platform. In addition, thanks to the fact that its access is not easy or its low occupancy, it remains practically intact. 

Somocuevas Beach

Somocuevas beach in Liencres
Somocuevas Beach- Carlos / Flickr.com

It is one of the Liencres beaches preferred by nudists. It is about a hundred meters long and is divided into two parts: the western one, which is the smallest and rockiest; and the eastern, larger, formed by sand and with various dunes. Although from either of the two you can enjoy the beautiful surroundings of the place.

Pedruquíos Beach 

Unlike most of the beaches in Liencres, Pedruquíos beach is dominated by rocks on the sand and disappears completely when the tide rises. Even so, it is worth visiting when possible and more for those who have pets, since their access is allowed.

 Valdearenas and Canallave beaches

Valdearenas beach in Liencres
Valdearenas beach – Natursports

On the one hand, Valdearenas beach, which borders the mouth of the Pas River, is made of fine golden sand, and is made up of various dunes. This, together with its rugged surroundings, make it a beautiful place. It also has all kinds of equipment: from bar to parking.

Because it is one of the longest in all of Cantabria, its western part is frequented by nudists. It is also attended by lovers of water sports (surfing, windsurfing , kitesurfing …) attracted by its strong winds and waves. Given these conditions, the presence of a large team of lifeguards is normal.

On the other hand , Canallave beach or Covachos beach is also characterized by being windy and with strong waves, which is why it is another of the most valued destinations in Cantabria for surfing in summer, but also in spring and autumn. And although it is just as popular with bathers, its occupation is not excessive.

Both are part of the Natural Park of the Dunes of Liencres, declared a protected area.  This consists of almost two hundred hectares and is also made up of a large maritime pine plantation and a dune system. The latter can boast of being one of the most important in northern Spain.

A walk along the Cantabrian coast: landscapes and architecture

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