7 Precious Gifts To Behold In Patagonia

7 precious gifts for the eyes in Patagonia

Despite the beauty that Argentina and Chile contain, Patagonia is their best-known place. What makes this landscape so special? Many say that it is paradise lost, a piece of heaven on earth. Would you like to meet him? So come with us!

The inhospitable and incomparable beauty of Patagonia cannot be compared to any other corner of the world. Images that seem taken from the desktop backgrounds of computers, landscapes that seem unreal, mountains and beautiful forests. An incredible place that we do not want you to miss for the world.

What to see and do in Patagonia

Spanning two countries, you can imagine that Patagonia is immense and therefore it is somewhat difficult to know where to start. Don’t worry, we give you a list of the best places in this area so you don’t miss out on any detail.

1. Bariloche

Bariloche – sunsinger

Nothing better to start getting to know Patagonia than San Carlos de Bariloche. This is one of the most visited places in the region due to the great tourist attractions it hides, such as Lake Nahuel Huapi. In it you can enjoy different water activities and boat rides.

Just 20 kilometers from the area you can ski in one of the largest resorts in South America, Cerro Catedral. And in the city you can taste the best chocolate in the world, as well as alfajores, jams and other artisan products.

2. Esquel

It is a very visited region, especially by the Los Alerces National Park, where the most majestic and millenary specimens of this tree, the larch, are found.

As a great tourist attraction, the Expreso Patagónico stands out, a train that was used since the 1920s to travel the area and that even today will allow you to go from Esquel to Nahuel Pan.

3. San Martín de los Andes

Lanín volcano in Patagonia
Lanín volcano – sunsinger

In this beautiful place you will find the Lanín volcano, in the National Park that bears his name, as well as the Huechulafquen and Lácar lakes. The area is suitable for practicing all kinds of sports, aquatic or not, so to do so, the best time to visit is in summer.

Although if your circumstances do not allow it and you have to go in winter, do not worry. Well, a few kilometers away you can practice skiing in Cerro Chaleco. A privileged place where you will have an amazing panoramic view of the Lanín National Park.

4. Villa Traful

A small village surrounded by exuberant nature and with less than a thousand inhabitants, make it the ideal place to rest and disconnect from the noise of the city.

The thick coniferous forests and Lake Taful create a beautiful landscape around it. Take time to leave that image engraved on your retina and in your mind and never forget it.

5. Calafate

Perito Moreno Glacier in Patagonia
Perito Moreno Glacier – Joshua Raif

An ice beauty where the famous Perito Moreno glacier is located, an ice mass like no other in the world.

From this place everything is white no matter where you look, an imposing splendor that has no comparison with anything you have seen before. The well-known Upsala glacier and Cerro Fitz Roy are also in the area.

6. Ushuaia

Port of Ushuaia
Ushuaia – iladm

In Tierra del Fuego, Ushuaia is the southernmost city in the world. It is one of the reasons why this city receives thousands of visitors every year. The other is the possibility of enjoying the fantastic natural landscapes that it offers.

Lush forests, wild coasts, valleys or Andean peaks are just some of the surprises that await you in the place if you visit Tierra del Fuego National Park.

7. El Chaltén

Mount Fitz Roy in Patagonia
Mount Fitz Roy – Samuel Kochhan

It is a special place in the heart of Los Glaciares National Park. So much so that in 2014 it was named second in the list of the best cities in the world to visit in the Lonely Planet travel guide .

Visitors who come here do so to practice sports, as it is the best way to absorb all the beauty that this place keeps. Walking along its paths will take you to the most unknown places, or climbing its mountains will give you the best views. Do you dare to adventure?

Without a doubt, Patagonia is one of the most beautiful places in the world, and if it is true that there is a lost paradise, it is in this place. Do you still doubt it? Well go visit it!

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