7 Stunning Photos Of Rocky Mountains

7 stunning photos of rocky mountains

The Earth is full of landscapes of undeniable beauty, and part of it is concentrated in the rocky mountains distributed by the five continents. We have selected some of the most outstanding to offer you the most spectacular photographs of them. Can you come with us?

1. Rocky Mountains , Canada and the United States

Moraine Lake in the Rocky Mountains
Lago-Moraine, Canada – Alberto Loyo

This system of mountain ranges is located in North America, occupying its western part, and constitutes one of the most emblematic landscapes in the area. It is not for less, since its rich landscapes make it an essential tourist.

In fact, five national parks have been established in the Rocky Mountains , four of which have been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO since 1984. These parks are Banff National Park, Jasper National Park, Yoho National Park and Yoho National Park. Kootenay National. The fifth, and no less impressive, is Waterton National Park.

2. Danxia Mountains, China

Rock formations in Zhangye
Rock Formations in Zhangye – Rat007

Also known as the Rainbow Mountains, they are located in the Zhangye Danxia National Geological Park. Part of them were inscribed as a World Heritage Site in 2010.

The unusualness of its beauty is the result of the pressure of the sandstone with the minerals for more than 24 million years. A colorful landscape and, of course, impressive.

3. Rocky Mountains in Ha-Long Bay, Vietnam

Halong Bay in Vietnam
Halong Bay – JunPhoto

The view of Ha-Long Bay is uniquely beautiful. Entering through its greenish or crystalline waters –depending on the area- mounted on a boat and going through the various rocky mountains is one of the most wonderful experiences in the world.

Without going any further, the bay is declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco. In addition, since 2011 it is one of the seven natural wonders of the world.

4. Yu Shan, Taiwan

Yu Shan Rocky Mountains
Yu Shan – Kriangkrai Thitimakorn

From a natural wonder we move on to another that is among the twenty-three finalists of said recognition. And is not for less. The Jade Mountain, as it is known in Spanish, has a great diversity of flora and fauna. Among the fauna, the bamboo forests that are found in some sectors of its peaks stand out.

On the other hand, with an elevation of 3,952 meters, it is the highest peak in Taiwan, making it one of the best options for those who like to do mountaineering.

5. Caucasus Mountains, Southeast Europe

Rocky Mountains of the Caucasus
Caucasus – Yulia Kamyshnaya

The mountains of the Caucasus, l ocalizada between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, has a very varied depending on the height and distance to the water about where we are landscape. Of course, rock formations are common, but we can also find glaciers or volcanic areas.

Given its long extension, nothing more and nothing less than 3,000 kilometers in length, there are numerous peaks that form it. One of the most emblematic for its prominence is that of Ushba, belonging to the Georgia region.

6. Swiss Alps

The Alps
The Alps – Mikadun

It is one of the most beautiful scenic spots in the world. Its rocky mountains coexist harmoniously with meadows and other environmental interests, as well as man-made buildings.

In addition, they offer many tourist possibilities such as skiing, hiking, riding the cable car, visiting the towns that are in them …

7. Picos de Europa, Spain

Peaks of europe
Urriellu Peak – marvlc

In Spain we could talk about the Picos de Europa, which extend through Cantabria, León and the Principality of Asturias. They are made up of three massifs -the Urrieles, the Cornión and the Ándara-, among which are distributed mountains, forests, rivers, fountains and lakes of great beauty.

We must highlight the lakes of Covadonga, which can be reached from Cangas de Onís ; the Ruta del Cares, a path dug into the rock that borders the canyon traced by the river of the same name; or the viewpoints of Fuente Dé and Ordiaselo, which offer the best panoramic views of the mountain range.

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