8 Activities In Cayman Islands To Take Advantage Of The Holidays

The Cayman Islands are a beautiful archipelago in the Caribbean. A small paradise that can be enjoyed in many ways.
8 activities in Cayman Islands to take advantage of the holidays

The Cayman Islands sounds to all of us like one of the most famous tax havens in the world. However, avoiding taxes is not the only reason to travel to this corner of the Caribbean. So for the vast majority of people, we will show you some activities in the Cayman Islands that will allow you to enjoy this fantastic archipelago.

Activities in Cayman Islands not to be missed

1. Go shopping in George Town

George Town in the Cayman Islands
George Town in the Cayman Islands

Not only big fortunes can benefit from the peculiar Cayman Islands tax regime. It can also be done by all visitors who come to the archipelago. And here, especially in the island capital of George Town, duty free shops abound. This means that you can buy many high-end products at low prices.

Attention, a warning! If you visit Cayman Islands on a cruise, you must finish your purchases two hours before boarding, and you must indicate your ship and cabin to the seller. They will get what you bought there and will see that your purchases clear customs.

2. Go to heaven and hell

Hell landscape in the Cayman islands
Hell Landscape

It is clear that the Cayman Islands are a paradise in many ways, but… they also have their own hell. It is the area known as Hell. An area of ​​extraordinary geological richness.

They are black pointy rocks that are supposed to have inspired someone what hell can be. It cannot be verified, but what is true is that Hell is a must-see place in the Cayman Islands.

3. Bathing at Seven Mile Beach

Seven Mile Beach in the Cayman Islands
Seven Mile Beach in the Cayman Islands

Let’s go back to the most idyllic and Caribbean image of the Cayman Islands. That is represented by the extraordinary beach of Seven Mile Beach, although in reality it does not reach that length, but 5.5 miles.

Beyond its extension, it is a fantastic place to sunbathe on its white sand or bathe in its crystal clear waters. An unforgettable place to enjoy one of the Cayman Islands activities preferred by many: sunbathing.

4. Swimming with stingrays

Mantas Ray in Stingray City in Cayman Islands
Stingray Mantas in Stingray City

One of the most popular activities in the Cayman Islands is the excursion to Stingray City to take a bath surrounded by hundreds of stingrays. Something suitable for all audiences, although it is true that initially anyone can be impressed by such fish, which we must never alter.

5. Ride in a submarine

If you have been wanting to feel the sea even more, its immensity and power, you can also opt for this other activity. Immerse yourself in the Atlantis submarine. It is there, thanks to its transparent walls, when all the richness of the Caribbean is discovered and it is seen how its waters are transparent even at quite a depth.

6. Snorkeling

The Atlantis certainly costs money, so you can enjoy the seabed more economically, by snorkeling. There are many companies that organize diving excursions and rent equipment.

Of course, traveling to the Caribbean and not snorkeling is a sin, so if you travel to the Cayman Islands, reserve at least one day for this activity.

7. Go to a turtle farm

Turtle farm in Cayman Islands
Turtle Farm – JAck Kennard / Flickr.com

The name of this place is Turtle Farm, but more than a farm, we are facing a very special theme park, where the most important part is the sea turtles that are born and live here.

There are several thousand, and with some you can even take a dip in the Turtle Lagoon. Although there are not only turtles in the park, there are also many tropical birds, iguanas or sharks.

8. Cultural visits in Cayman Islands

You can also take advantage of your Cayman Islands vacation to discover the history of this place from its most relevant monuments. Without a doubt, that is the way to know why this archipelago is what it is today.

So prepare yourself a cultural route that includes, for example, the eighteenth- century mansion of Pedro Castle, the Queen Elizabeth II Botanical Garden, the Elmslie Memorial United Churgh church or the National Museum, among other gems.

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