What To See In Peru

What to see in Peru

Peru, the homeland of the ancient Incas, has preserved structures built centuries ago. In addition, it is a place where you can live many adventures, an ideal destination for lovers of adrenaline. Peru is a country that hides unimaginable mysteries and offers travelers transformative experiences.

We are going to show you the best that this fantastic country has to offer to its visitors. Whether for travelers who go with their backpacks looking for wonderful landscapes or for those who decide to undertake a luxury trip to discover the rich Inca culture, Peru has a diversity of nuances for all tastes.

Historical and mysterious corners of Peru

In Peru you can find many places surrounded by mystery. For lovers of conspiracy and extraterrestrial theories, there is a unique place, Nazca. Here are some geoglyphs that can be seen from the air and that show impressive figures, they are the famous Nazca Lines. Some believe that they were  created by ancient alien civilizations.

Nazca lines in Peru
Nazca Lines – Herbert Eisengruber

The length of these lines ranges between 50 and 300 meters. They were declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1994.

In addition to the Nazca Lines, there are many more monuments in Peru, such as the Archaeological Monument of Chavín. In this place is a temple that dates back to 1,400 BC Temple that was used in ancient times to leave offerings to the gods and to receive responses from divine entities.

Adventurers can visit the archaeological site of Chan Chan. This is the largest mud city in America and houses geometric figures, birds and fish on its walls.

Panoramic view of Machu Picchu in Peru
Machu Picchu – Byelikova Oksana

We cannot forget, of course, one of the most beautiful and also most mysterious corners of Peru, the Machu Picchu. Considered one of the seven wonders of the world, this Inca city was built on the top of the mountain and is surrounded by temples, water channels and platforms.

It was the most important political, administrative and religious center of the Inca period. Today it is a must-see for those who travel to Peru. A monument declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

The most natural facet of Peru

Peru is also a country of astonishing natural wealth. Here there are innumerable endemic species of flora and fauna. One of the places where more species are found is the Manu Natural Park, a World Heritage Site and one of the areas with the greatest biodiversity on the planet.

Manu Natural Park in Peru
Manu Natural Park – ostill

More than two hundred species of mammals live here. It is also the habitat of such unique species the river wolf and the black lizard and birds such as the pink spoonbill, the cock of the rocks and the harpy eagle.

In the Colca Canyon, considered the deepest in the world, we can admire the famous Andean condor. From the viewpoints of this beautiful place we will not only be able to contemplate the flight of this majestic bird, but also some volcanic landscapes that take your breath away.

The typical Peruvian gastronomy

Peruvian food has been recognized by The Economist magazine as one of the 12 most exquisite in the world.  The fusion of the typical food of this country is due to the cultural exchange of centuries ago of Chinese, African, Spanish, Japanese and Italian immigrants. Its varied dishes come from miscegenation and are unique in the world.

Ceviche, a typical dish par excellence and the most important in Peru, comes from mixing it with Japanese food. This dish is made from fish and is prepared in many different ways. Other typical dishes of Peru are the heart anticucho and the tacu-tacu.

Do not forget to visit Peru, a country that offers the traveler a lot of magic, an incredible history and surprising corners.

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