10 Treasures Of Florence That Will Surprise You

10 treasures of Florence that will surprise you

We are not going to look at the Duomo, or the romantic Vecchio Bridge. Neither in the fabulous museums of the city, nor in its palaces. We want to show you those other treasures of Florence that are also worth a visit, or sometimes just a look, and that are also part of the essence of one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Ready?

1. Le Murate

Le Murate one of the treasures of Florence
Le Murate – Michele Buzzi / Shutterstock.com

Life takes many turns, in all aspects, and an example is that of this building. It was built in 1424 as a monastery for Benedictine nuns. Since the mid-nineteenth century, and for more than 100 years, it served as a prison. And, since recently it has been a residential building and a place dedicated to culture. In fact, you will find a lively literary café here.

2. Treasures of Florence: Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella

Farmaceutica Santa Maria Novella in Florence
Farmaceutica Santa Maria Novella- Robert Kimberly / Flickr.com

It is considered the oldest pharmacy in Europe. Its origin dates back to the 13th century, when Dominican monks began to make ointments and medicines with the plants they grew in the monastery. Over the years, the demand grew so much that in 1612 they opened this establishment to the public, and since then it has not stopped working. You can see the old facilities and buy everything from fragrances to soaps or skin products.

3. Berta

Berta, one of the treasures of Florence
Berta – vvoe

This head that appears between the walls of the church of Santa María Maggiore has its legend. It says that this woman was leaning when she saw a condemned man pass by. He asked her for water, but she replied that if she drank she would not burn herself. The man, who had been convicted of witchcraft, replied that she would never take her head out of where it was. It seems that the curse was fulfilled …

4. L’Importuno

L'Importuno, one of the treasures of Florence
L’Importuno – Patrycia Schweiss

On one of the walls of the Palazzo Vecchio you will find another curious figure. Legend has it that it is a portrait carved in stone by Michelangelo himself. Why did he do it? There are several versions, the most popular account that he made while enduring the boring conversation of a Florentine citizen, hence the name with which the face was baptized.

5. The most beautiful sunset

Santa Trinitá Bridge in Florence
Santa Trinitá Bridge – Kirill Neiezhmakov

Seeing the sunset in Florence is quite a spectacle, but they say that one of the best places to watch the sunset is the Santa Trinitá bridge. However, it is worth crossing it at any time, since from it you can see one of the most beautiful images of another bridge, the Vecchio bridge.

6. The secret passage

Vasari Corridor of Florence
Vasari Corridor – Darren & Brad / Flickr.com

And we are going precisely to the Vecchio bridge to tell you a little secret. Above it is a passage that goes directly from Palazzo Vecchio to Palazzo Pitti. It was Cosme de Medici who had it built so that he could cross from one side of the Arno to the other without having to mix with the people. The Vasari Corridor is today a magnificent art gallery.

7. Eternal rest of illustrious characters

Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence
Basilica of Santa Croce – Serge LAROCHE / Flickr.com

We are going to one of the treasures of Florence that you should not miss. In the Basilica of Santa Croce are the tombs of more than 300 relevant figures in Italian history, from Galileo Galilei to Dante, Machiavelli, Rossini and Michelangelo. That, not to mention the magnificent frescoes by Giotto, Brunelleschi and Donatello that decorate it.

8. Looking for good luck

Porcellino in Florence

If on your walk you see a small fountain with a wild boar, stop. It is the Porcellino fountain and you will see that it has a shiny nose. Imagine then what you have to do. Yes, you must first rub it, and then put a coin in the animal’s mouth. If the coin falls into the pile and slips through the slit where the water falls, you’re in luck. So you already know!

9. A secret garden

Giardino dei Semplici in Florence
Giardino dei Semplici – Andreas Jungherr / Flickr.com

This is one of the treasures of Florence that few know. The city has wonderful parks, but the Giardino dei Semplici has something special about it. It is a small botanical garden founded in the 16th century where you will see indigenous and medicinal plants, but, above all, where you will find all the peace that you may miss on your walk through Florence.

10. To regain strength

Central Market of Florence
Central Market – EQRoy / Shutterstock.com

The Central Market is one of the places in Florence that will surprise you and you will love it. An old nineteenth-century market with an iron structure transformed and converted into a space for true gourmets . On the ground floor you can buy products of all kinds and on the top floor you will find restaurants to eat luxury.

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