A Walk Along The Istanbul Bosphorus, Between Asia And Europe

It separates Europe from Asia, and getting on a boat to tour it is a good way to admire Istanbul and its surroundings from another point of view.
A walk along the Istanbul Bosphorus, between Asia and Europe

The Bosphorus Strait is the narrow sea passage that connects the Sea of ​​Marmara with the Black Sea. A coveted geographical feature that unites or separates, depending on how you look at it, Asia and Europe. For this reason it is one of the treasures that protects the great metropolis of Istanbul, which is located south of the strait. And it is even divided in two by its waters, which is why it is a city on two continents.

The Bosphorus and Istanbul

Bosphorus Strait
Bosphorus Strait – Mikhail Starodubov

Istanbul is one of the most popular travel destinations in the world. Anyone wants to know its mosques, its bazaars, its palaces, as well as all the history that a city that once was called Constantinople or Byzantium treasures.

For this reason, any day of the year thousands and thousands of tourists come to the Turkish city, and among the many activities that await them there, is taking a cruise on the Bosphorus.

Bosphorus ships

Cruises departing from Istanbul to navigate the Bosphorus depart from the Eimonönü pier. And getting the tickets can be done right there, in the offices of the different companies. They can even get them at your hotel without too many complications, although perhaps with a small commission.

So once you get the ticket, you just have to get up early and leave early in the morning to cross this strait. A place that will offer us truly impressive views.


Istanbul from the Bosphorus
Istanbul – Seqoya

The first of these views is that of Istanbul, since as the ship advances, one begins to have a different perspective of this magical city. And from the water, its most emblematic monuments such as the Topkapi Palace, the Galata Tower or the Basilica of Santa Sofia take on a different dimension than that seen from land.

It will be impossible for you not to take endless photos. And if the morning is still a bit foggy, don’t be overwhelmed and wait for the return in the afternoon to take those snapshots.

The Atatürk bridge

Atatürk Bridge on the Bosphorus
Atatürk Bridge – Boule

When you travel to Turkey you see endless images of its most famous ruler since the time of Suleiman the Magnificent. We are talking about President Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who is considered the father of modern Turkey. That is why it is not surprising that the greatest work in the country bears his name.

We are talking about the Atatürk Bridge, which during our Bosphorus cruise we will cross underneath. A bridge of colossal dimensions that is breathtaking no matter where you look at it. Either from its asphalt, from the sea or from its shores, one in Europe and the other in Asia.

Rumeli fortress

Rumeli fortress on the Bosphorus
Rumeli Fortress – Jorge Franganillo / Flickr.com

When it seems that we are already losing sight of Istanbul, the Bosphorus shows us the fortress of Rumeli. A great defensive work that was conceived to protect and monitor maritime traffic in the 15th century. A castle worth contemplating and whose power is the prelude to what awaits us from now on.

But there are many places that we are discovering during navigation. Right in front of Rumeli Castle, you can see the Anatolian Fortress. And a little before the elegance of the Kukucsu Pavilion is distinguished. Then, for example, there is the splendor of the Emirgan Korosu park or the Sait Halim Pasa Yalisi palace.

Rumeli Kavagi

Rumeli Kavagi on the Bosphorus
Rumeli Kavagi – tatianaput / Shutterstock.com

Several stops are made throughout the Bosphorus cruise route. Although travelers usually get off the ship in one of the last two. The first one is at Rumeli Kavagi on the European shore.

Here the castle of Imros stands on a hill. An ideal location to monitor the entire area, and the nearby mouth of the Black Sea.

Anadolu kavagi

And we are already at the end of the journey through the Bosphorus, since the last stop is in the town of Anadolu Kavagi, on the other shore, the Asian one. There was also a fortress guarding there, in this case that of Yoroz.

Up there it is mandatory to ascend during this trip, since the views of this corner of the world where seas and cultures converge is impressive and most evocative.

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