Bahrain: 7 Essential Places You Must Visit

Located in the Persian Gulf, Bahrain is a country of enormous wealth, modern and, at the same time, a jealous guardian of ancient traditions.
Bahrain: 7 Must-See Places You Must Visit

Located on the shores of the Persian Gulf, Bahrain is one of the independent emirates that has managed to extract an incalculable wealth from the fossil fuels that exist in this region of the world. And with this, it has modernized its territories in an incredible way. So much so that today it is a very attractive tourist destination for Westerners.

The Bahrain Archipelago

The country of Bahrain is made up of 33 islands. We are going to talk to you about some of them, as well as their cities, such as Manama, the capital.

We are going to tell you the best things to see in Bahrain. And we are going to do it with the tranquility of recommending a very safe, stable destination where the local people go out of their way to be hospitable to their visitors.

So now you know, there are no excuses to travel to Bahrain. Actually, there may be one, and that is that it is an expensive destination. But apart from that, if you can afford it, here are our recommendations of the things you should not miss on a trip to Bahrain.

1. Manama, the capital

Al Fateh Mosque in Manama, Bahrain
Al Fateh Mosque

Many of the greatest charms of Bahrain are in its capital. Without a doubt, it is the most dynamic and contemporary place in the country.

That spirit is very clear in its more modern buildings. We must mention the Al Fateh Grand Mosque, built at the end of the 80s of the last century and which has a unique architectural mix of materials such as fiberglass or teak wood.

However, not everything is modernity in the capital of Bahrain. There are also places steeped in history such as its traditional souk, many streets in its old town or the exquisite Al Khamis mosque, whose origins date back to the 7th century.

2. Muharrak Island

Muharrak Island in Bahrain
Muharrak Island

We have already said that Bahrain is made up of more than 30 islands. Well, one of the most attractive islands is Muharrak, which is north of the capital and very close to it. In fact, it can be reached by crossing a bridge.

A short physical journey but one that involves a journey back in time, since it may seem to us that we are in a tale from One Thousand and One Nights. Essential!

3. The village of A’ali

And south of Manama is the town of A’ali. It is the best place to learn about Bahrain’s dazzling ceramic tradition. Here you can see the entire ancestral process that is followed in the creation of these pieces, which have become one of the most popular souvenirs of this trip.

4. The Tree of Life

Tree of Life in Bahrain
Tree of Life – Alawadhi3000 / Wikimedia Commons

Another must-see during a trip to Bahrain is the one known as the Tree of Life. It is a spectacular acacia, although its size is not the most special thing it has.

The most unique thing is its age, since it is about a thousand years old. Yes, something very strange in this species, and even more so in a place surrounded by desert sand and without access to water. A magical mystery!

5. The port of Sitra

One of the most beautiful ports in the country is Sitra. Above all, because from there it is possible to see the emblematic dhows. They are the traditional boats of the emirates, which are still active here and continue to be the livelihood of fishermen, who can be seen setting sail at sunset.

6. Karbabad

Karbabad in Bahrain
Karbabad – Martin Falbisoner / Wikimedia Commons

There are several reasons to recommend a visit to Karbabad, a place famous for its wicker baskets, its carpets, its famous 16th century fort or the temple of Barbar.

However, we invite you to discover one of the archaeological jewels of Bahrain, the site of Qalâat Al Bahrain. Here was the capital of the Dilmun civilization and today it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

7. Hawar Islands

And to end the treasures that this small country offers us, we want to mention the Hawar Islands, where you can go by boat to enjoy a special natural environment. Here, for example, you will see an endemic animal from this area of ​​the world such as the Arabian oryx.

Without a doubt, the Hawar Islands can be the most unexpected surprise during your trip to Bahrain. A country that, in any case, is going to impact you in many ways.

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