Basic Tips For Getting Around An Airport

The key to moving smoothly in an airport is foresight. If you go prepared and have everything ready, you will take less time at the controls and avoid last minute problems that affect your trip.
Basic tips for getting around an airport

The way the world works requires us to move between cities, countries or continents. Whether for work, business, study or pleasure, many people are forced to pass and move through an airport, sometimes with some frequency.

The great advantage is that it has never been so easy to travel anywhere in the world as it is today. We live in a time of extraordinary technological advances that make everything easier for us. In addition, airlines compete with increasingly lower prices, promotional packages, etc.

However, we wonder why, if there are so many tools to speed things up, airports are still just waiting rooms. Clearly, some rules work for our safety, and that’s okay. However, sometimes they are arbitrariness or internal situations that airports do not know how to resolve.

On the other hand, there is also the possibility that we, as users, assume the part of responsibility that corresponds to us. For these reasons, here we will give you some keys so that your passage through the airport is as agile as possible.

Woman in an airport

Before going to the airport

There are some basic aspects that should be taken into account before going to the airport. The most important ones have to do with the ticket and documentation.

Check-in online

This confirmation that you are going to fly can be done from your home. You just have to print the boarding pass or ask the airline to send us the barcode or QR code to our mobile phone. It saves us time and having to queue, especially when we only travel with hand luggage.

Choice of seat

If there is a certain rush, it is essential to select the seat of the plane in which you will travel, which can be done well in advance. The important thing is to choose the seats located as close as possible to the departure doors and have your luggage ready when you leave the ship.

Documentation in order

You do not start with the right foot when you leave until the last minute to prepare the documentation required to be able to travel. It is always better to do things calmly and on time, so it is necessary to verify the required documentation.

Therefore, we must prepare the passport , identification document, ticket, vaccination card, etc., in advance. Having a list on hand of everything we should bring helps to organize things better.

Carry your passport in your hand, advice to move around an airport

Getting around an airport upon arrival

Once we have arrived at the airport, it is also advisable to take into account some small tips that will make your passage through it as fast as possible.

Consistent baggage

Getting around an airport is much more complicated with luggage. When we don’t travel frequently or aren’t good at planning, everything we carry won’t be enough. For this reason, it is good to ask yourself what you really need to bring.

All airlines establish parameters in terms of dimensions, weights and prohibited objects. Let’s make sure we abide by them and we will save delays and inconveniences such as having to pay for excess baggage or surprises because our carry-on suitcase exceeds the accepted measurements.

Security control

This type of inspection is one of the most annoying when traveling, although we are aware of its benefits in terms of well-being. So the only alternative is to get out of it as soon as possible.

It is best to carefully observe which row is moving faster and locate ourselves there. Before it is our turn, it is convenient to remove the belt and the extra layers of clothing, prepare the electronic devices and be ready to take off our shoes if necessary.

Documents at hand

It is not surprising that with the bustle of the checkpoints we lose some of the documents. The recommendation is to always have a bag or folder on hand with all of them. We must be especially careful not to forget them in the cafeteria, the bathroom or the control trays. Without a passport, ID, air ticket, etc., we will not be able to board.

Passengers at the airport

Moving through an airport upon departure

When leaving the airport you will also have to take into account some questions. Pay attention.

Immigration forms

It is always useful to carry a pen with us, since with this we can fill out the immigration form without waiting. We can carry out this task while we fly to our destination and everything will flow with greater speed.

Immigration agents

Good manners do not argue with anyone. For this reason, being relaxed and being nice to immigration agents will save us useless delays. It is not good policy to be defiant and upset. On the contrary, this attitude will attract the attention of the authorities, which can lead to an uncomfortable questioning.

Passengers at an airport

Additional aspects to move around an airport

In addition to the above, take note of the following if you want to move through the airport calmly and quickly:

Snacks and drinks

As much as possible, we should avoid buying snacks and drinks at the airport due to their high price. We can solve this by taking an empty bottle to fill it after going through the checkpoints. We can also bring something to eat while the flight leaves or inside the plane, such as cereal bars, sweets or nuts.

Travel at night

This is an excellent option for those who want to avoid the hubbub and congestion of rush hours. There are promotions with cheaper tickets, the planes are emptier and there is less turbulence. In addition, we will be able to sleep during the trip and wake up at our destination.

Technology when moving around an airport

WiFi is free almost everywhere, such as near duty free shops , the waiting area, public cafeterias, lounge rooms , etc. On the other hand, in case of losing or forgetting the mobile charger or the headphones, we can claim free ones at the lost property offices. There are them in all airports and if in 90 days nobody claims them, employees can give them away.

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