BlaBlaCar, A Very Economical Way To Travel

New technologies and the need to save have led to new ways of traveling. Car sharing is one of them.
BlaBlaCar, a very economical way to travel

The crisis awakens the imagination, and proof of this was the new platforms that were created to be able to travel more cheaply. We can eat less, buy less clothes, but do not take away the pleasure of traveling! BlaBlaCar was one of the most innovative platforms that set precedents in the way of traveling. We tell you more about her.

What is BlaBlaCar ?

BlaBlaCar logo
Automobile Italia /

BlaBlaCar is an app  that was created in order to share the car on trips, whether they were punctual, daily, long or short. For example, those who have to travel several kilometers each day to travel, can offer someone who needs to do the same to go in their car and thus share expenses.

This is not only beneficial for the driver of the car, but also for the traveler. A solution to cases such as people who have a job in a remote area and do not have a car to go. Not to mention that, even having a car, sharing expenses will always be cheaper.

On the other hand there are long trips. In high seasons, for example, traveling to a place thousands of kilometers away by plane can be very expensive, but doing it between several in the same car will cost very little, despite the gasoline prices.

How does BlaBlaCar work?

Interior of a car
NadinLisa –

The operation of this platform is very simple: you create a profile in which you can also offer your car and you start looking for what you need. You can look for two things: someone to accompany you on a trip or someone to take you to a place you need.

For example, if you are looking to go by car from where you live to another place, you will only have to select the place you need to go, the day and even the time. The web will automatically search for all travelers who will make that journey, or a longer one, but who will pass by your house, so that you can choose the one that best suits you.

On the other hand, there will be different prices, and they can vary a lot from each other, although this should not always be decisive when choosing one or the other trip.

Opinions that are valued

Car sharing
Minerva studio

All BlaBlaCar users have scores from other users, as well as a description of the car, the music, the smell of the cabin, whether or not they are a smoker and whether they are talkative or not. What does the latter mean? Imagine how uncomfortable it is to find yourself in an elevator with a stranger. As a general rule, we don’t usually have a conversation.

Now think about how uncomfortable a Malaga-Barcelona journey can be with a stranger who is not very talkative. Or on the contrary, that it is too much for your taste. Well, this is something you can choose from. There are those who like the conversation more during the trips and there are those who less, and in BlaBlaCar you can choose anyone.

Users will tell you if their conversation was pleasant, if it was reasonable and flexible in terms of pick-up locations and times, whether or not they smoked in the car, if you can bring pets and a host of other details. With this data, and based on your criteria and needs, you can choose what suits you best.

How much does BlaBlaCar cost

Travel car
PublicDomainPictures /

This question has two parts: how much does the app cost and how much does the trip cost? Well, the application is free, but it entails some management costs, although they are minimal. Depending on the type of trip, it can range between € 1.5 and € 5.

A ridiculous price, taking into account that they will even protect you if something happens, although this has never been the case, since as the users themselves are the ones who score, everything is well insured.

On the other hand, the cost of travel will depend on the car owners, but the journey can be even 70% cheaper than public transport, with more comforts and taking less time on many occasions.

So, if you want to make a getaway and you don’t have much money, sign up for BlaBlaCar, a new way to travel cheaply and safely.

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