Books To Dream About Traveling: 7 Essential Reads

Reading is capable of taking us to remote places, to wonderful countries and corners that we may never be able to step on. These books are perfect for dreaming.
Books to dream of traveling: 7 essential reads

Literature has always been a source of inspiration and a door to new worlds. There are many books to dream of traveling and that will take you to beautiful, inhospitable, fantastic places. .. We want to talk to you about them, and not only that, but to encourage you to read them, if you haven’t already.

There is no better way to see new places than by reading. So that none is left in oblivion, this book guide to dream about traveling will allow you to discover your next destinations, in addition to offering you a pleasant read.

Books to dream about traveling

We all know books where wonderful places are described, some imaginary and others real. How many times we wish we were in that place that they describe, in those forests, those beaches. In this guide we will put at your disposal books that will help you decide your next destination.

It will not be easy to choose, but we want you to know at least some books that will make you dream of traveling. Have a good read!

1. Around the World in 80  Days , by Jules Verne

Hong Kong Bay
Hong Kong Bay

In this book guide to dream of traveling, this classic could not be missing. The fantastic story that tells the adventures of Phileas Fogg and Jean Passepartout. Without a doubt, it is one of the best travel literature novels.

From London to Paris, from Calcutta to Hong Kong, this great novel describes incredible landscapes and adventures through the 10 countries in which the trip takes place.

2. The adventure of traveling , by Javier Reverte

In this book the author recounts his adventures. Always detailing from his childhood trips to the war chronicles that took him around the world.

He also recounts his experiences as a backpacker, which led him to visit some of the most inhospitable and remote places in the world. From his passage through the lands of Asturias to adventures through Guadarrama and, even, his passage through the Colombian Caribbean will make this book a very enriching read.

3. Seven Years in Tibet , by Heinrich Harrer

Lhasa Monastery
Lhasa Monastery

A well-known mountaineer and Olympic ski champion, he was surprised by the Second World War on an expedition through the Himalayas. After being arrested and managing to flee from India, he reached Tibet and the forbidden city of Lhasa.

Here he stayed seven years, living with this unknown people and their customs. In this book he recounts the wonderful places and the breathtaking views thanks to its location in the center of the Tibetan plateau.

4. The Doctor , by Noah Gordon

This best seller describes the hectic life of an English doctor. It travels through Persian lands where he describes beautiful places in the city of Ispahan, the third largest city in Iran.

Through the novel we will get to know its customs, its inhabitants, but above all monuments. We must highlight the Naghsh-i Jahar square or the Great Mosque of Isfahan, declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco.

5. The UNESCO World Heritage Site

Petra in Jordan
Petra in Jordan

Another of the books to dream of traveling. It contains descriptions and maps of the nearly 1,000 Unesco World Heritage sites. It is a unique guide that will allow us to know the most famous places in the world and others less known.

Among its pages we can find the ancient Nabatean city of Petra, in Jordan; the legendary Acropolis of Athens and even a small town of El Jem, in Tunisia.

6. The return of 25 , by Marc Serena

The journalist Marc Serena tells us about his curious journey through 25 countries where he interviews 25 young people. Young people of all kinds: a Chinese ecologist, a Peruvian shaman, a Filipino fisherman… Thus, he tells the unique and different way of each young person according to the place where they are born and allows to know the culture and education of each country.

7. Ebony , by Ryszard Kapuściński

Mount Kilimajaro in Africa
Mount Kilimanjaro

This Belarusian-born writer is one of the best reporters of the century. In this book he delights us with his experience on the African continent. Ryszard avoids the most well-known places and goes deep into Africa.

During his stay there he lived in humble houses, with very poor and sick people, even having near-death experiences. All these experiences make this book brutally real and take us into the complex reality of Africa. Ghana, Tanzania, Nigeria, Ethiopia or Rwanda are some of the places he describes.

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