Curiosities About Rome, The Other Side Of The City

The history of Rome is millenary, for this reason it hides countless aspects and unique data that are worth knowing. Some are surprising.
Curiosities about Rome, the other side of the city

Rome is one of the favorite destinations for world travelers. Although we already know the most characteristic sites of this city, we cannot ignore that there are a series of curiosities around these that will motivate us to have even more desire to visit the city. Come with us to discover the most special curiosities about Rome.

These are some curiosities about Rome

If we have already talked about other cities and countries that have many curiosities, imagine how many Rome will have, with its more than three thousand years of history! These are some of the most striking aspects of the city. What is Rome hiding?

Fundraising of the Trevi Fountain

Trevi Fountain to make a wish
Fontana di Trevi

This is the enormous fountain of wishes in Rome and, although we see it as that, perhaps we have never thought that little by little the fountain fills with coins. Think that Rome is one of the cities with the most tourist influx in the world and the Fontana, one of its most characteristic monuments.

It is estimated that around three thousand euros have been thrown into this famous fountain at the end of each day. This money is collected daily and donated to non-profit charities, specifically Caritas.

Rome, the city of love

Yes, we have not gone crazy. We know that Paris is the city of love, but Rome, in its beginnings, had a different name, Love. Or, at least, that’s what some stories say. This name was used in mystical rituals, but it was something that only the initiates knew, which is why they crucified Valerio Solano, who revealed it.

The monuments of Rome

Navona Square in Rome
Navona Square in Rome

A city with so much history has hundreds of monuments. Do you want to know how many? The city has no less than 280 fountains and more than 900 churches. You would need months to visit them all.


If you have already been to Rome, surely you have seen these acronyms in many places. And if you are planning to take a trip to the city, you will see them. It is the acronym for the phrase  Senatus Populusque Romanus, or translated into Spanish, ‘The Senate and the People of Rome’, which gave shape to the sovereignty of the Empire.

This was a very common motto that was used in antiquity and that marked the importance of the Roman power in the world. Movies based on this city repeat it constantly, that is why it is one of the curiosities about Rome that you should know.

The Colisseum

Roman Coliseum
Roman Coliseum

Although it is a magnificent architectural work and the most iconic monument in Rome, the Colosseum has a dark side that many may not think about. Half a million people and a million animals lost their lives in this amphitheater just for the amusement of the greatest politicians and the people.

The pants and the Romans

Have you ever wondered why the Romans always wore skirts or dresses? Because apparently it was considered an atrocity to wear pants. The emperors forbade them, and their use was punishable by law. Only in the coldest parts of the Empire were they used.

The twins of Rome

Piazza del Popolo in Rome
Piazza del Popolo in Rome

In Piazza del Popolo are the churches of Santa Maria di Montesanto and Santa Maria de Miracoli. They both have identical architecture, don’t they? Get closer to them to find out. And, by the way, look at the obelisk in the square, one of the thirteen in the city and the first that was brought from Egypt. Another curiosity about Rome.

Lost ruins

It is known that there are many pieces and ruins of great archaeological interest that have disappeared. Although many believed that inclement weather or the barbarian hordes were responsible, the truth is that many disappeared due to acts of vandalism. Therefore, touching any of the ruins is punishable by law.

The smallest country in the world

St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican
St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican

Although many see in the Vatican only the Holy See, it is more than a church. It is an independent state since 1929, with its own economy and its own laws. In this way, it became the first smallest country in the world, with only 900 inhabitants and about 44 hectares.

St. Peter asked, but did he get to Rome?

They say that by asking, you get to Rome, and although the tomb of St. Peter is in the Vatican, this is a question that has been questioned throughout history. There are  scholars who claim that Saint Peter was never in Rome, according to ancient original writings.

Did you like these curiosities about Rome? Well, surely on your next trip to the city you will discover many more unique data. Don’t forget to share them with us!

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