Delicious Galician Dishes That You Must Try

Galician gastronomy is strong, varied and delicious. In it you will find fish and meat dishes, stews and desserts that appeal to all palates.
Delicious Galician dishes you must try

If Galicia stands out for something, it is for its gastronomy, healthy and varied where they exist. There are many Galician dishes that have crossed borders and have become known worldwide. Do you want to come with us to try some of them? Well come on, we’re starving!

1. Galician octopus

Galician octopus
Javier Lastras / Wikimedia Commons

This, without a doubt, is one of the best known Galician dishes, and we couldn’t start the list in a better way than talking about it. Not only is it a delicious dish, but it is also very healthy and easy to prepare. Of course, it must be said that the Galicians have the best octopuses on their coasts and an art to ‘hit’ it that very few know.

That is why its octopus with cachelos has become one of the stars of Galician gastronomy. Impossible to go to any Galician town and not try it.

2. Galician broth

Galician broth, one of the most delicious Galician dishes
juantiagues /

It is also known as the Galician stew. You already know that in Spain there is the Madrid stew, the Andalusian, the Extremaduran … Well, yes, there is also the Galician stew, which is made from meat and beans and some native ingredients that cannot be found elsewhere. Are these the ones that make it so special?

3. Galician pie

Galician pie

The Galician empanada is the protagonist of popular festivals and celebrations in the country, as it is already part of the gastronomy not only of Galicia, but of the whole of Spain.

The funny thing is that many only know the tuna or meat pie, but in Galicia they make it from anything. In fact, some of the most famous are scallops, cod or mussels. Because really, what ingredient does not match the delicious dough of an empanada?

4. Lacón with turnip greens, one of the most typical Galician dishes

LAcon with turnip greens, one of the Galician dishes
juantiagues /

If there is a nutritious Galician dish, it is this without a doubt. It consists of a mixture of ham cooked with bacon, turnip greens, cachelos and chorizo. You already know that both cachelos and turnip greens are typical of the region and the secret of many of the famous Galician dishes.

5. Galician style tripe

Galician style tripe
juantiagues /

Tripe is a traditional Spanish dish, but Galicians have their own way of making them. They are made with chickpeas, chorizo ​​and cow tripe. They also add the leg of the same animal that gives it that gelatinous touch. Cloves, paprika and thyme are some of the spices used to dress it.

6. Barnacles and shellfish

juantiagues /

Barnacles are a delicacy of the sea, very expensive, and only found on the Galician coasts. Its preparation is not complicated, since they are eaten simply cooked, like many other seafood that we could not fail to mention among the most famous Galician dishes.

7. Chorizo ​​with cachelos

Galician chorizos
juantiagues / Wikimedia Commons

Outstanding elaborations among Galician gastronomy are sausages, which when combined with cachelos, give rise to this delicious dish that will delight your palate. The original feature of this dish is its dark-colored chorizo,  which is made with entrails and pork tallow and is seasoned with onion, garlic, peppers and salt. Delicious!

8. Santiago’s cake

Santiago's cake
Javier Lastras /

If you have to think of a dessert when listening to Galicia, we are sure that you have thought of the Santiago cake. This was started years ago in order to give energy and encouragement to the pilgrims who were emboldened to make the Camino de Santiago.

It is made with almonds, sugar, cinnamon and eggs, and its flavor is so delicious that it has remained for generations as a star dessert in Galicia.

9. Pancakes

Recipesparatodososdias /

This is another dessert that has been part of Galician dishes for generations. They are similar to pancakes. They began to be made for carnival, but their delicious flavor made it impossible for them not to remain forever in Galician gastronomy.

Since you know the best Galician dishes, you are ready to take a trip to these lands and enjoy its gastronomy and its people. Do you put it on your list of next destinations?

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