Dinópolis, A Place For Dinosaur Lovers In Teruel

Dinópolis, a place for dinosaur lovers in Teruel

In the Aragonese province of Teruel we find one of the most interesting and entertaining theme parks that you can visit. Dinópolis is a theme park in which dinosaurs come to life and where you can discover much more about its interesting history, the one that still fascinates us. Would you like to visit this park with us?

Dinopolis , where dinosaurs come to life

Dinosaur in Dinopolis
Dinópolis – Lui Palacios / Flickr.com

Teruel is a very rich province in terms of paleontological sites. And that was one of the great reasons for building this fascinating theme park: the protection and dissemination of those treasures found in the province.

Among the most important remains found so far in Teruel are those of the  Aragosaurus, the first Spanish dinosaur, which was found in the town of Galve. Another extraordinary discovery occurred in Riodeva, and it is nothing more and nothing less than Turiasaurus riodevensis , the largest dinosaur in all of Europe and one of the largest in the world.

Discover Dinópolis

Exterior of Dinópolis
Dinópolis – Turol Jones / Flickr.com

Inaugurated in 2001, Dinópolis is a cultural park whose theme revolves exclusively around dinosaurs. And within this style it is the largest park in all of Europe. A perfect place for the little ones to learn a lot while having a great time.

The one in Teruel capital is the main headquarters. However, in addition to the large park there are six other small museums located in various towns in the province and that close this great cultural bet. What are those other spaces? Legendark, located in Galve; Stone Forest in Castellote; Inhóspitak in Peñarroya de Tastavins; Titania in Riodeva and Mar Nummus, located in Albarracín.

All these spaces offer a unique and unforgettable route. Ideally, you should organize yourself and make the most of this experience by visiting as many as you can. A perfect excuse to know much more than once the kings of the Earth and, at the same time, discover really attractive towns.

Things to do in Dinopolis

Dinópolis Museum
Museum – Turol Jones / Flickr.com

Once you enter Dinopolis you are fully immersed in a fascinating journey of more than 4,500 million years. Through thematic walks such as The Last Minute or The Journey in Time  you will be able to discover much more about the evolution of man and the dinosaur.

One of the most interesting aspects and for which this park stands out the most is its unique Paleontological Museum. In it you will be able to observe many fossils and take a tour through more than a thousand pieces, both original and replicas, all related to fascinating dinosaurs.

Of course, there are also attractions in Dinopolis. The 3D film projections and a 4D simulator stand out. It also has an extremely interesting and entertaining area known as the Sauriopark, as well as the Paleosenda. To this are added numerous animation shows, among which the T-rex , The Dreaming World and The Paleontologists Club stand out .

Without a doubt, one of the greatest adventures of your life awaits you on the Dinopolis route, especially if you are a dinosaur lover. It is also an ideal place to visit with the family, especially because it is entertaining and highly educational.

Teruel, an incredible city

Teruel Cathedral
Cathedral of Santa María, Teruel – holbox

But you cannot visit Dinópolis and pass by the city that welcomes it. Teruel has an incredible cultural and artistic heritage that is worth discovering and savoring calmly. A quiet city in which to discover the best examples of Mudejar art in Spain, which have been declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco.

Shrouded in legend, the “city of lovers” has enough attractions to dedicate at least a full day to it. Be sure to visit the cathedral, the tower of the church of San Salvador, the aqueduct or the mausoleum of the unfortunate lovers.

You have already seen it, you can live a wonderful family getaway enjoying the fun that Dinópolis offers you and the rich heritage of the city of Teruel. What are you waiting for?

Cover photo: photoluiscmg

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