Discover Some Special Christmas Destinations

Finland, Norway, the Holy Land, New York, Naples, central Europe and even Argentina or the Canary Islands can be fantastic Christmas destinations.
Discover some special Christmas destinations

The most endearing season is approaching, a holiday period in which you can travel to very, very special Christmas destinations. Some have all the typical charms of these dates and others are radically different, surprising and whose appeal can be the total contrast with what we expect from Christmas. With some and with others we have drawn up our peculiar list of destinations.

We are going to visit special Christmas destinations all over the planet. Yes, we will see destinations in the north, where you can enjoy the snow and the most classic scenes of this winter season. But we will also travel to other latitudes that allow us to experience a different, but always wonderful Christmas.

1. Rovaniemi, one of the most special Christmas destinations

Santa Claus Village in Rovaniemi, one of the special Christmas destinations
Santa Claus Village

Let’s start with the classic of classics: Rovaniemi, in Finnish Lapland. It is a cold place in December, all covered by the white of snow, in a continuous night and with the mercury of the thermometer permanently below zero. But it has something that makes it stand out among Christmas destinations: here is the home of Santa Claus.

2. Tromso

Northern Lights in Tromso
Northern Lights in Tromso

We still haven’t left the cold of Scandinavia, but now we propose to travel to the city of Tromso, in Norway, another of the quintessential Christmas destinations. Why? Because it is excellently prepared to welcome tourists at this cold time of year, as it is one of the best places in the world to contemplate and be ecstatic watching the Northern Lights.

3. The Holy Land, one of the very special Christmas destinations

Basilica of the Nativity of Bethlehem
Basilica of the Nativity of Bethlehem

Another of the most traditional Christmas destinations, perhaps the most, is to travel to the Holy Land and see the places that give rise to Christmas, such as Bethlehem. Without a doubt, this is an ideal trip for the most believers and who are looking forward to a unique Christmas doing religious tourism.

4. Buenos Aires

Pink House in Buenos Aires
Pink House

We radically changed our mind and now we propose a trip in December in which you will not have to wear a coat: Buenos Aires. Why include the capital of Argentina in a selection of Christmas destinations? For that contrast of living in a big city on a summer Christmas. But not in any city, in an exciting city with incredible places.

5. Gran Canaria

Las Canteras Beach
Las Canteras Beach

You don’t have to go that far to opt for warm Christmas destinations. Without leaving Spain we can fly to the island of Gran Canaria or any of its sisters in the archipelago. It is wonderful to enjoy places like Maspalomas in December, with its sand dunes and surrounding beaches, or to stroll through the streets of Las Palmas and end up taking a bath at Las Canteras beach.

6. Cologne

Christmas market in Cologne
Christmas market in Cologne – Leslie Philipp /

It is undeniable that many of you are looking for very traditional Christmas destinations. If so, you can always choose to prepare a getaway to cities in Europe where these dates are lived with passion and where it is common to enjoy large Christmas markets. And among all, surely the most spectacular is that of the German city of Cologne.

7. Naples

Neapolitan nativity scene
Neapolitan nativity scene

We are going to another place further south of the continent closely related to the traditions of this time of year. In this beautiful and chaotic Italian city live some of the most sought-after craftsmen from around the world to make nativity scene figures. Nativity scene makers open their workshops in the Neapolitan center all year round, but at Christmas they shine in a special way.

9. New York

Rockefeller Center ice rink, one of the special Christmas destinations
Rockefeller Center Ice Rink

On the other side of the Atlantic we also find one of the most demanded Christmas destinations: the Big Apple, the city of New York that we have seen a thousand and one times in Christmas movies with a magical atmosphere. All these films never lack an element that you should visit if you spend a few days there in December: the ice rink at the foot of Rockefeller Center.

10. Special Christmas destinations: Disney world

Disneyland Paris, one of the special Christmas destinations
Disneyland Paris – katsuhiro7110 /

One of the advantages of traveling on these dates is that children have vacations, so you have to look for perfect Christmas destinations for family tourism. And here we have to mention some places where Christmas is always enchanted. We are talking about the Disney parks around the world.

There are parks in the United States, both in Florida and in California. There are them in Asia, both in Hong Kong and Shanghai as well as in Tokyo, and there are also them in Europe. So now you can prepare your trip to Disneyland for Christmas.

The Christmas market in Strasbourg, the capital of Christmas

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