Discover The Beautiful Beaches Of The Red Sea

The Red Sea is flanked by the coasts of several countries, although the most attractive tourist attraction is in its northern area, in what is known as the Gulf of Aqaba.
Discover the beautiful beaches of the Red Sea

The Red Sea, between Asia and Africa, is one of the most fascinating seas there is, especially for its seabed. But his interest is not only underwater. Also in the different countries that surround it there is an attractive coastline where you can enjoy the beaches where the sun never stops shining.

Sun, beach, diving: that defines the beaches of the Red Sea. That and some other thing that we are going to tell you next. Do not miss it.

The value of the Red Sea

Eliat by the Red Sea
Eliat in Israel

The Red Sea is a relatively small water surface when compared to the great oceans of the world. It has a length from south to north of about 2,200 kilometers and its maximum width does not exceed 350.

However, these dimensions are more than enough to be an important sea for several reasons. In the first place, it is due to its geographical location between the African continent and the Arabian peninsula, already in Asia. But, in addition, it is important because countless ships pass through here that cross the Suez Canal.

That is to say, it is strategically an important area of ​​the world, hence the famous Six Day War took place in the area some time ago. However, today it is an apparently calmer area, and that is why we want to tell you about some of its beaches.

The Red Sea countries

The entire Red Sea basin is surrounded by the coasts of Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea and Djibouti in Africa. And it also bathes the coastline of Israel, Jordan, Arabia and Yemen in Asia. We are not going to talk to you about the beaches of all those countries because the situation of some of them discourages the visit, as is the case of Yemen, one of the most violent countries in the world.

Meanwhile, in other cases, such as in the small country of Djibouti, its best beaches are already outside the Red Sea proper. So here we are going to focus on the beach areas that can be enjoyed in Egypt, Israel, Jordan and Arabia.

1. Hurghada and Sharm el Sheik in Egypt

Sharm el-Sheikh beach in Egypt
Sharm el-Sheikh

Perhaps if you are thinking of a trip to Egypt, you will only think of the pyramids of Giza and a cruise on the Nile. Well, the perfect complement may be to approach the Egyptian north coast of the Red Sea. Ideal places for a few days of vacation await us there, especially Hurghada and Sharm el Sheik, although the laid-back Darba cannot be neglected either.

In all these places we will find good hotel complexes, beaches with an unbeatable climate and an infinity of water sports proposals, with diving and snorkeling as the main protagonists. And there is also a lot of fun. In short, you will see a completely different face to what you imagine of Egypt.

2. Eliat in Israel

Israel, despite its tiny size, can boast of having coastal areas in three different seas: on the one hand, the Mediterranean; inland is the area of ​​the Dead Sea; and to the south is the tourist city of Eliat on the shores of the Red Sea. In the latter you can enjoy good beaches, a privileged climate and wonderful scuba dives.

3. Aqaba in Jordan

Beach in Aqaba

Just a step away from the small stretch of the Israeli Red Sea, and facing the Egyptian coast, is the Jordanian city of Aqaba, another of the great tourist centers of this area. And, if that weren’t enough, a little further south is Arabia.

In short, that Aqaba, in one of the most liberal countries in the region, is at a crossroads. And this is something that its many shops, its casinos or its long nights take advantage of.

But not only that, also here to enjoy its wonderful beaches. And, above all, we must embark on their excursions that take us to some of the most beautiful coral enclaves for diving.

4. Umluj and Al Wahj

And we finish the review of the tourist spots of the Red Sea citing a somewhat artificial one. In the area between the cities of Umluj and Al Wahj, Arabia is building high-end hotel complexes to attract wealthy tourists. It is a bet similar to the one that the United Arab Emirates have been making for years at the other end of the Arabian peninsula.

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