Discover The Incredible Pink Waters Of Lake Hillier In Australia

Its pink waters contrast with the green of the vegetation that surrounds it and the blue of the ocean, located only a few meters away. It’s Lake Hillier.
Discover the incredible pink waters of Lake Hillier in Australia

We are going on a trip to discover a unique place. Wouldn’t you feel like a special person if you could visit different destinations? Well today you have the opportunity to meet one of them. We move to the pink waters of Lake Hillier, a hidden corner on one of the islands that are part of Australia. How about?

Discovery of Lake Hillier , a unique place in Australia

Hillier Lake
Joshua Van Staden

Lake Hillier is a six hundred meter long body of water. It is located in the southwestern region of Australia, specifically on Middle Island, the largest island in the La Recherche archipelago.

The discovery of the island dates back to the beginning of the 19th century, during the colonial expansion of Europe. It happened during the Flinders expedition. It was led by a British navigator named Matthew Flinders, known for coining the name Australia. The captain is said to have gazed at the pink lake after ascending to the island’s peak.

From a bird’s eye view, the lake is bubblegum pink and surrounded by a line of sand. Around it there is a forest of eucalyptus and maleluca. At first, it was thought that the origins of this color are due to the presence of salt, as occurs with the salt flats of southern America. But…

Why is Lake Hillier pink?

Hillier Lake
Phassa K

This is the first question that comes to mind when looking at the photographs of this lake. What is its color? The cause of its peculiar pink hue has not yet been established with absolute certainty, although there are many theories.

To begin with, the pink color of the lakes in the region is due to the activity of two bacterial organisms : Dunaliella salina and Halobacteria . Although it can also be due to the presence of red halophilic bacteria or some species of algae.

At the time it was discovered, one of the members of the Flinders expedition recorded in the travel journal that the lake was saturated with salt. It is known that its sodium chloride concentration was 340 g / l, something very similar to the Dead Sea.

Under these circumstances, very few species can survive in water, except for the aforementioned bacteria. Their survival is due to the fact that they have beta-carotene, a substance present in carrots, pumpkins or tomatoes and that protects from the sun’s rays. Even beta-carotene is used as a food coloring.

Therefore, the pink color of Lake Hillier could be due to the presence of this substance. On the other hand, the presence of bacteriouberin, a reddish pigment for photosynthesis, influences the final color.

What is the lake water like?

Hillier Lake

Although looking at the water in Lake Hillier we may think it is toxic, it has been shown that it is not. There are no known adverse effects, it is simply water with a lot of dissolved salt. Its consistency is a bit stronger, but not at all like a bottled strawberry smoothie.

Precisely, when you bathe in its waters, the color clears up, since the bacteria are found at the bottom of the lake, next to the salty surface.

Can you visit Lake Hillier?

Hillier Lake
Aussie Oc / Wikimedia Commons

Sadly, Middle Island is not a vacation spot as such. It is a wild and natural island far from human life. Its color can only be appreciated from the air and, at most, through a cruise that makes a route through the La Recherche archipelago. To take that cruise you have to leave from Esperance.

This is all we can tell you about Lake Hillier, an inaccessible but wonderful place in Australia. Fortunately there are lakes with the same characteristics in the area that can be admired more easily. Although, of course, they will not have the same mystery as Lake Hillier.

In any case, and even from a distance, the unique beauty of this lake is worth admiring. For a reason, it is one of the most beautiful coastal landscapes in Australia.

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