Drive From Queenstown To Glenorchy

It is a short route, just 45 kilometers, but wonderful. Bordering Lake Wakatipu you can see some of the most beautiful scenery in New Zealand.
Drive from Queenstown to Glenorchy

Queenstown and Glenorchy are two very special New Zealand cities. They are barely 45 minutes away by car from each other, but on that journey you will be able to contemplate a landscape that will undoubtedly take your breath away. We tell you everything you will find in those kilometers and that you cannot miss.

Lake Wanaka

View of Lake Wanaka
Lake Wanaka

The first stop you must make is Lake Wanaka. When you leave Queenstown and take the road to Glenorchy, it will run alongside this lake, as well as that of Hawea. Try to stop at one of the many viewpoints scattered along the way, as the views are absolutely spectacular.

Next to Lake Wanaka is the town that gives it its name. It is a very pleasant place where you can, for example, do the shopping and recharge your batteries. It is also a very good idea to go to a spectacular viewpoint from which, on clearer days, you can see Mount Aspiring, the highest in the region.

On the other hand, to get here you will have taken the Crown Range Road. As a curiosity, this is the highest road in the entire country. From the highest point there are also wonderful views of the Arrow Valley and the Remarkables Mountains.


Arrowtown Street
Arrowtown Street

The next stop that we propose is the adorable city of Arrowtown. Although more than a city it is a very interesting little town. Located on the banks of the River Arrow, it perfectly preserves the original houses, which date back to the 19th century. In them lived those who were looking for gold on the other side of the river.

It is a place rarely visited by tourists, and less by foreigners, but it is worth it. It looks like something straight out of a cowboy movie. It is one of those places where you won’t get tired of taking pictures.

Also very interesting is the Chinese settlement that is located right on the bank of the Arrow. This area, rebuilt and which can be visited, was built by miners of Chinese origin at the end of the 19th century.

And don’t miss the Lakes District Museum. This will allow you to learn about the history and stories of the region, the life of the Maori and the gold rush of the 19th century. It is considered one of the best small museums in New Zealand, so it is definitely worth visiting.


Glenorchy surroundings
Glenorchy surroundings

Continuing with the journey, the most incredible place of the entire tour appears. It is the end of what is considered one of the most beautiful routes in all of New Zealand. And is not for less. The views that you will have from the car are simply incredible.

From there you can contemplate Lake Wakatipu and the snow-capped mountains in the background. If you are lucky enough to travel first thing in the morning, you will be able to observe the spectacle that is formed when the clouds set over the lake, creating a very special atmosphere.

Upon arrival in Glenorchy, you will be fascinated by the backdrop of the town, as the snow-capped peaks are the protagonists all the time. This town, although it is beautiful and interesting to visit, does not have much to see and do. Therefore, it is best to get even closer to the mountains.

For example, you can take the route known as Paradise Road. This will take you to landscapes that, as the name of the road indicates, seem like paradise. As a curiosity, these landscapes were chosen by Peter Jackson to shoot some scenes from The Lord of the Rings .

Another option is to go hiking, horseback riding or even adventure sports, such as kayaking or sailing on a jet ski. As you can see, there are many ways to enjoy the surroundings of Glenorchy, one of the most charming settlements in New Zealand.

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