Enjoy Our Guide To Belfast Castle In Ireland

Let’s get to know the history of one of Belfast’s jewels a little better: its castle. We will also know how to get there and what to see in it.
Enjoy our guide to Belfast Castle in Ireland

In the heart of Northern Ireland, in Belfast, we find a beautiful castle. A beautiful construction from the late nineteenth century, although long before there was already a fortress in the city that has now disappeared. Do you want to meet him? So, don’t miss this little guide to Belfast Castle.

Belfast Castle Guide

Belfast is the largest city and the capital of Northern Ireland, one of those that shape the United Kingdom. It is one of the most visited cities, and it includes places such as the Town Hall or the Cathedral of Santa Ana. But without a doubt, the castle is one of the main tourist attractions.

We know the history of the castle

Belfast castle
Belfast Castle – gabo

The beginnings of the presence of a castle in the city date back to the 12th century, to the time of the Normans. In this first stage, the castle was located in the center of Belfast, but it was destroyed by a fire in 1708. Currently, there are only a few remains of streets that mark the place where it was located.

The second construction of the castle was carried out between 1862 and 1870. The Marquis of Donegall commissioned it. This time the castle was based on Cave Hill, one of the highest points in Belfast, 6 kilometers from the center. From there you can see excellent views of the city and the river that runs through it.

Belfast Castle architecture

Belfast Castle Staircase
Ladder – Chris Smith / Flickr.com

Belfast Castle has everything to be a mansion in the purest Scottish style. In fact, it can look like a noble house just like a castle. The design was commissioned by Charles Lanyon, an influential architect from Belfast. It has a series of towers and its appearance is sober, although the style is romantic.

On the main gate of the castle, there is a coat of arms of the Marquis of Donegall. Many of the visitors have the habit of looking for it on its facade. In the surroundings of the castle there are gardens that are worth visiting, as well as the views from the top of the hill.

A little castle legend

Belfast Castle Jardines
Gardens – Steven / Flickr.com

In our guide to Belfast Castle we cannot fail to mention that it is popularly known as the “castle of cats”. Legend has it that the various families that lived in this castle would only be lucky as long as a white cat lived inside the castle.

This curious legend was very present in the inhabitants of the castle, since in the gardens, paintings, sculptures and mosaics there are figures of cats.

Belfast Castle today

Belfast Castle interior
Castle interior – David Fernandez / Flickr.com

Currently, the castle belongs to the City Council. Its use today is quite far from the claims of the Marquis of Donegall, since it is used for civil or commercial meetings. And also to celebrate weddings and other events.

However, it is also adapted to the tourist visit, since the visitor has total freedom to investigate the castle on their own. What stands out the most is that you can open almost all the doors you want, walk wherever you want and live a unique experience with total freedom.

And in addition, it has a highly recommended restaurant service for the quality of its dishes  and an Irish tavern. As if that weren’t enough, the tavern is quite lively. During Friday and Saturday nights you can enjoy the best local music.

Belfast Castle guide: practical facts

Belfast castle
Belfast Castle – Andreas Gniffke / Flickr.com

To get to Belfast Castle you have to take the Antrim Road. It takes 10 minutes by car from the center, as the distance is very short. To get there you can do it by car, where there are parking areas, or by bus. However, once you get off the bus you have to walk for 15 minutes.

The castle is open every day from 9 in the morning to 6 in the afternoon. Unless an event is being held, in which case it will be closed for the visit. Admission is free.

The tavern and restaurant are closed on Sunday and Monday nights, but if you are looking for a place to try the best traditional dishes in the area, you are in the right place. Come and see the spectacular Belfast Castle!

We visited 4 cities in Northern Ireland

Cover photo: Andreas Gniffke / Flickr.com

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