Enjoy The Best Getaways In Spain

Spectacular landscapes, charming towns, cities full of history … In Spain there are endless possibilities to enjoy a special getaway.
Enjoy the best getaways in Spain

Do you fancy an adventure? We are going to show you some of the best getaways in Spain. There are a thousand and one possible destinations, but we have chosen a few that have something very special. Can you come with us? We started!

Getaways in Spain that you cannot miss

Both the islands and the peninsula hide truly wonderful corners. Here we suggest some charming getaways in Spain. Take note!

1. Cáceres

Cáceres, one of the best getaways in Spain
Cáceres – César Alonso Ferreras / Flickr.com

The Extremaduran city is well worth it. Just by passing under the Arco de la Estrella and entering the historic center of the city, you will feel that you are in one of the most special towns in Europe.

Walking through its alleys is going back in time. Discovering its medieval palaces and its churches will enchant you. A real treasure for visitors . If to this we add the possibility of knowing such beautiful towns as Trujillo or Plasencia in their province, we are facing an exceptional destination.

2. Lugo

Roman wall of Lugo
Roman wall – arousa

A city where the Roman footprint is evident. Its more than two kilometers of intact wall are well worth a visit. In fact, it is the best preserved Roman walled enclosure.

But Lugo has many other attractions, from interesting museums to exquisite gastronomy, in which its rich Galician empanadas stand out.

3. Albarracín (Teruel)

Albarracín in Teruel
Albarracín – MemoyCatcher / Pixabay.com

It is a spectacular medieval walled city.  Another place to take a trip back in time that is surrounded in its four fifths by a deep gash and some narrow streets in which the layout adapts to an unpredictable terrain.

Due to its monumental heritage, its beauty and its surroundings, Albarracín is considered one of the most beautiful towns in Spain. Not perfect for a getaway?

4. Girona

Girona old town
Girona – Malouete / Flickr.com

The Catalan city is worth it for its great attractions and charming streets, as well as its wall and its cathedral. But it also has an added attraction: it is close to both the Costa Brava and the Pyrenees. The truth is that Girona always surprises visitors with its wonderful mix of heritage and nature.

5. Úbeda and Baeza (Jaén)

Cathedral of Baeza, one of the most beautiful villages in Andalusia
Baeza -Inu Cathedral

One of the most beautiful getaways in Spain you can do. And it is that these two Andalusian cities are surrounded by hills full of olive trees.  They are only ten kilometers apart, making it impossible to visit one and miss the other.

But not only its landscapes are spectacular, also its historic centers. Two Renaissance cities dotted with magnificent palaces, churches and charming squares. So beautiful that they are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

6. Consuegra

Consuegra windmills
Consuegra – leoks

If we talk about La Mancha, the name of Don Quixote, Sancho Panza and the famous windmills appear.  And also delicacies of its gastronomy, such as the famous Manchego cheese, and the delicious wines of the area.

A route through these mills is worth it, and in Consuegra it is possible to enjoy them and their magnificent views while imagining that Don Quixote and Sancho Panza could appear behind any of them.

7. Hoces del Río Duratón and Sepúlveda (Segovia)

Sickles of Duratón
Hoces del Duratón – Neticola Sny / Flickr.com

Castilla y León is full of interesting places for cultural and nature tourism. In the Duratón canyon we can see a really impressive landscape. There are slopes of up to a hundred meters and on its cliffs, among other birds, imposing vultures nest.

To all this is added the beauty of the hermitage of San Frutos. And you only need to move a little to enjoy the medieval beauty of Sepúlveda and its delicious gastronomy, in which the roast lamb stands out.

8. Cantabria and Asturias

Route by car through Asturias, Cantabria and Galicia, view of the coast
Cantabrian Coast – Lukasz Janyst

These two uniprovincial communities in the north of Spain are a natural treasure. Cities such as Oviedo, Gijón or Santander also stand out. To these we must add places like Llanes, Ribadesella, Cangas de Onís and Gulpiyuri beach, in Asturias. In Cantabria we could mention Potes or the monastery of Santo Toribio de Liébana.

9. Peñafiel and Ribera del Duero

Castle of Peñafiel
Peñafiel Castle – Noradoa

The Ribera del Duero area has many charms. The castle of Peñafiel stands out, a town that also has a medieval square such as Coso and where lamb and its rich wines with Denomination of Origin are an attraction for visitors.

As you can see, Spain has many places to prepare a good getaway. It is best to carefully analyze the area to which we want to go and have the distances and means of transport. At the accommodation level, it is advisable to book in advance, something essential when destinations are so touristy.

And those that we have shown you are just some of the magical places to make getaways in Spain. There are many more that have in common attractiveness and first-rate infrastructures. Now it’s up to you to choose.

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