Everything You Need To Know About Traveling With Interrail

Interrail is a type of train ticket that allows you to travel throughout Europe. There are many ways to organize the trip with him.
Everything you need to know about traveling with Interrail

There are many who say that traveling with Interrail is something that everyone should do once in their life. It is, without a doubt, one of the best experiences you can live. In addition, it is a unique opportunity to discover new countries and cultures surrounded by your friends.

Interrail is part of the European culture, of the young and the not so young. If we have already convinced you to embark on that adventure, we answer all the questions that may arise during the preparation of your trip. Of course, keep in mind that each trip is different and that you must adapt to your tastes and preferences.

What is Interrail?

Train Oslo-Bergen
Train Oslo-Bergen

Interrail is a ticket that is considered by all Europeans as legendary, forming part of the ideology of the continent. This ticket gives you the possibility of taking trains throughout Europe for a maximum period of one month. It also allows you to create your own trip the way you want, with the freedom that comes with it.

What types of Interrail tickets are there?

As we have already mentioned, Interrail offers you great flexibility, starting from the purchase of the ticket itself. Whatever the length of your trip or the number of cities you want to visit, Interrail has a format for you.

If you want to travel to all countries, your ideal option is Interrail Global. Decided this, you must choose the duration of your adventure: 15, 22 or 30 days. The days start counting from the date you take the first train, and expire after 30 days. During those weeks you have total freedom to take the tickets you want at any time.

Another option is Interrail Global with a flexible option. This is the perfect alternative for those who want to explore more in depth or to see large capitals. In this case, you have four options:

  • 5 travel days skipped in 15 days
  • 7 travel days skipped in 30 days
  • 10 travel days skipped in 30 days
  • 15 travel days skipped in 30 days

One more alternative: the Interrail Local (One Country Pass). This pass is only valid within the country you choose, and has the same characteristics as the flexible ticket. On this occasion, the options to choose from are:

  • 3 travel days skipped in 30 days
  • 4 travel days skipped in 30 days
  • 6 travel days skipped in 30 days
  • 8 travel days skipped in 30 days

Ticket types by age

Finally, we will make a few notes about the different types of travel depending on age. In this way, we find three different passes to travel with Interrail:

  • Young, for people between 12 and 27 years old, and with a 25% discount.
  • Adult, for people 28 years and older.
  • Senior, for people over 60 years old and with an additional discount.

How much does it cost to travel with Interrail?

European Interrail train in Switzerland
Train in Switzerland

Answering this question is difficult, and giving an exact figure impossible. It all depends on the style of your trip, the desire you have to give up certain luxuries, the places where you want to stay (remember that Interrail does not include stays, only transfers from one place to another) and many other factors .

In summary, we can say that the Interrail Global modality ranges between 337 and 574 euros, depending on the age and duration of the trip. For its part, flexible Interrail Global costs between 208 and 424 euros.

As for the price of the One Country Pass modality, it depends on the country chosen. In this way, it is not the same to travel, for example, in Germany as in Slovenia. The first will always be more expensive than the second. This is mainly due to the size of the country and its railway network.

Last notes

Traveling with interrail: Train in Luxembourg
Train in Luxembourg

Finally, we will give you some small notes that will not hurt you. This is not advice, since traveling with Interrail is something very personal that must be adapted to you, your tastes and your expectations. What has been very good for someone, may not be for you, or the other way around. This could be the first “tip”.

To make the most of your time, it is convenient to make an approximate itinerary of the places you want to go, as well as find out about the timetables of the trains you want to take. These tickets do not need to be booked from home, as there are usually many free schedules and places.

If you are going to travel with Interrail, forget about punctuality and do not go with the time measured to the millimeter, since you will rarely have the possibility to comply with it. Along the way, opportunities will surely arise for you that you had not thought of.

Do not forget to have your European health card in force (it expires every two years). Hopefully you don’t have to use it, but if you don’t carry it, you won’t be able to have adequate health coverage in your country of destination. Also consider making some insurance, it is always better to be safe than sorry.

And last, and most importantly, get ready to have the best experience of your entire life. Surely you will never forget it.

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