Hondarribia, One Of The Most Beautiful Towns In The Basque Country

Hondarribia, one of the most beautiful towns in the Basque Country

Hondarribia, or Fuenterrabía, is a beautiful town in Guipúzcoa, nestled in the bay of Txingudi. A bay formed by the flow of the Bidasoa and the immense Cantabrian Sea. Hondarribia rises in an incredible natural enclave, but the city is also beautiful. These are the reasons why it never goes unnoticed in the eyes of tourists.

Hondarribia, a city with history

This beautiful location is located in a very important strategic point between Spain and France. In fact, it had a lot of relevance at the time for the Kingdom of Castile, since it wanted to control French territory from there. The same happened with the Kingdom of Navarra.

Txingudi Bay in Hondarribia
Txingudi Bay – Jorge Argazkiak

Being in a border area, formerly it was attacked on a regular basis from the Gallic flank. They carried out these attacks every time there was a threat or rivalry. In this way, Hondarribia ended up building a defensive wall. An imposing wall that is still very well preserved today.

Touring the inner area of ​​the wall

The old town of Hondarribia

Door of Santa María in Hondarribia
Puerta de Santa María – Galoshes

This beautiful coastal city has a well-preserved medieval-style historic center of great tourist interest. It is located inside the wall. At its entrance we will come face to face with the door of Santa María, which encourages us to enter its cobbled and narrow streets.

At the beginning of the tour, before us, the Zuloaga Palace appears. Built in the 18th century, it welcomes us and opens its doors to discover inside a beautiful library and a highly recommended historical archive.

The same happens with the Casadevante House, built in the same century. A few steps away, you can visit the Church of Santa María de la Asunción y del Manzano. It has a Gothic style and houses a wonderful baroque bell tower.

Castles and palaces everywhere

Castle of Carlos V in Hondarribia
Castle of Carlos V – Calips /

We cannot leave without making a stop at the castle of Carlos V. Thanks to its location, on top of a hill, it has a fantastic panoramic view of the region. Due to its good and refined architectural taste, it was converted into a parador de turismo.

Another must-see is, without a doubt, the palace of Juana la Loca or Eguiluz. This is the place where he made a stop with Felipe el Hermoso on his way to Brussels. City where they were expected to be crowned princes.

Finally, it only remains to talk about the Etxbestenea Palace. Fortín that for centuries has been besieged in numerous combats. Despite this, he is still able to stand proud.

Outside the wall

The Marina neighborhood, an excellent example of fishing

Facades of the Marina dehondarribia neighborhood
Marina neighborhood – Nicolas Vollmer /

Directing our steps outside the fortress we will find the unique fishing district of La Marina. It is the ideal place to rest and have a snack. Tasting a delicious txacolí typical of the area will whet our appetite. We can accompany you by sinking your teeth to a rich tasting of pintxos.

It is advisable to start the tour on Calle San Pedro.  From there you can get lost in a neighborhood where you will discover old buildings with beautiful and colorful balconies. Terraces painted in shades of striking blues, reds and even greens. And, if the strength remains, you can go up to the Paseo de Butrón, from there the views of the sea are unbeatable.

Hondarribia beach

Hondarribia Beach
Hondarribia beach – photoNN

The spectacular environment of Hondarribia has made it one of the most wonderful beaches in the Basque Country to be found here. Its fine sand stretches over 800 meters, offering its blue and transparent waters. In them, how could it be otherwise, a large number of water sports are practiced.

And, as after the visit you will have an appetite, nothing better than to end up tasting the fantastic gastronomy of Hondarribia in one of its restaurants. Dishes based on seafood, but also featuring vegetables and rich meats from the area

You’ve already seen it,  Hondarribia is one of the most beautiful towns on the Iberian Peninsula. And it has a lot to offer you: history, monuments, good gastronomy and wonderful beaches. Can you ask for more?

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