How To Get To The Famous Hollywood Sign?

Contemplating this poster is one of the things that every tourist wants to do when visiting Los Angeles. But reaching him is not easy.
How to get to the famous Hollywood sign?

Traveling to Los Angeles means immersing yourself in the city of cinema and stars. Here is Hollywood, the place where the greatest weight of the film industry is concentrated. All artists want to work in this place. And no one is surprised to find the famous Hollywood sign in a movie. But how do you get to it? We will tell you!

The sign stands on a hill in uptown Hollywood. It may seem inaccessible, but it is not impossible to get there. We just need to know the way, as if all of Hollywood were a map and we need the way to find the treasure. Ready for adventure?

How to see the famous Hollywood sign

Hollywood sign
Hollywood sign

Most of the inhabitants of the area often meet lost tourists who need to know which is the way to see the Hollywood sign. We anticipate that it is not easy, since if you want to see it, you will need a viewpoint.

After all, the letters are on a hill, and if you want to be able to see it well, you will need to be at a higher height. We also tell you one thing: not just any viewpoint is worth it.

Due to all these obstacles on the way, reaching the Hollywood sign has become an adventure for many tourists. But take it easy! It may be difficult, but not impossible. This is what you have to do to get there :

First step, approach to the poster

Hollywood sign
Hollywood sign

You already know that Los Angeles is a huge city and that the distances can be overwhelming for anyone. If you have a rental car, we advise you to use it to get to Hollywood.

But you must have one thing clear: you cannot park on the streets, unless you have a special permit. Unless you do it on a daily basis, in the rest of the city there may be a bit more luck.

Therefore, perhaps it is better to consider the option of public transport. It will bring us first to the famous Franklin Avenue, and from there, to the corner of North Beachwood Drive. From here you can already see the sign in the distance, although there is still a way to go.

Second step, get ready to walk

View of Los Angeles from the Hollywood Sign
View of Los Angeles from the Hollywood Sign

As you may have already suspected, reaching the famous Hollywood sign is impossible by means of transport. The above options only help us get a little closer and save distance, but the final path will have to be on foot.

To get there, you have to continue on North Beachwood Drive, straight ahead, without stopping. Along the way you will see incredible houses and buildings, and you can also start taking pictures of the poster.

As you go forward, the street will get narrower. Little by little the sand will appear, as you will reach natural areas with parks, hiking areas … and even the Griffith Observatory and the park of the same name.

Along the way, you may come across false indications. We encourage you to continue. Do not despair on your way, since, although it usually takes almost an hour and a half walking, it will undoubtedly be worth it.

How to photograph it?

Hollywood sign
Hollywood sign

Our next question, after knowing how to get there, is to know the best place to take a picture of the Hollywood sign. If you don’t want to do this whole route,  you can go to the viewpoint in the Dolby Theater shopping center. Obviously, you will see the sign from afar, but it is a good way to save yourself a walk.

Following in our footsteps, we advise you to take pictures as you progress along North Beachwood Drive. The closer you are to the sign and you enter the natural area, the closer you will see the letters and the more beautiful it can be.

In particular, if you take a route to Griffith Park, you can take some great photos. There is a great viewpoint there to immortalize the moment.

We understand your desire to see it and, therefore, we want you to have a great time enjoying the views and taking the photographs that will keep this memory forever in your retina. Enjoy it!

The most cinematic cities in the world

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