How To Make The Circular Route Of Iceland? Practical Tips

Going around Iceland by road is one of the best ways to discover all the beauties that this country hides.
How to do the circular route of Iceland?  Practical tips

We are going to one of those dream countries, Iceland. When visiting it, many travelers choose to follow a road that surrounds the island. If you are one of those who choose this option, pay attention to our advice to follow this circular route in Iceland. But above all, get ready to admire unique landscapes!

Why travel to Iceland?

Vajnajokull Glacier in Iceland
Vajnajökull Glacier – Shaiith

Iceland is a country full of special corners. The country of the mythical Vikings has endless proposals for you. Throughout the entire extension of the island, marvelous landscapes emerge, many protected by Unesco. Without going any further, the Thingvellir National Park, full of cliffs, is one of these most significant examples.

But it is not only that, there are also thermal pools, beautiful waterfalls, immense viewpoints, glaciers and northern lights! If you go in the season of this phenomenon, you will be able to witness one of the most special events of nature.

And we cannot stay here … but, in addition to its nature, in Iceland there are towns full of charm, and also cities as beautiful as its capital, Reykjavik. A city where you can taste the best of the country’s gastronomy: fish, shark meat, lamb …

How to organize the circular route of Iceland

Do you already want to start the circular route of Iceland? Well, it’s time to make the first preparations… Get a car! As we have already told you, highway number 1, called the circular highway, creates a natural and ideal route to travel every corner of the country.

1. Place of departure?

Reykjavik, departure of the circular route of Iceland
Reykjavik – Boyloso

In total, the route of the circular route is 1,340 kilometers. The ideal starting point is Reykjavik, since this is where we would arrive by plane and where we can rent a car. It is also an excellent place to end the circular route. After traveling more than a thousand kilometers, there is nothing like returning to the “place where it all began”.

When choosing a car, we recommend choosing a vehicle with four-wheel drive. Iceland is still a country where it usually snows, especially in winter season. During these dates it is impossible to circulate in some sections of the route so, find out the weather before leaving!

In fact, it is likely that when you return you will not be the same person as when you left. You will have been able to visit spectacular places, corners that you would never think existed …

2. Stops

Detifoss waterfall on the circular path of Iceland
Dettifoss Waterfall – Andrew Mayovsky

It is time to start the adventure. In the capital is where you can find the most traffic, but as you go along the circular route of Iceland you will see how the influx decreases. In fact, there are sections of road where not more than 100 vehicles circulate a day,  at a maximum speed of 90 km / h.

The road is simple, one lane for each direction, and in good condition. In some places, however, it is made of land because there is no civilization, only vegetation and some animal species.

3. Route time

Latrabajarg in Iceland
Latrabjarg – cber

If you want to travel these almost 1,400 kilometers of circular route in Iceland, a week is the minimum time to see everything. As always, it will depend on the stops you want to make and the time you take in each place. The duration is according to the tastes of each traveler, so it is better that you mark the times yourself.

In order to anticipate each of the stops,  we advise you to carry a map or have a GPS and take everything organized in advance. It is better not to improvise on this type of car trip!

For the rest, the best time to visit Iceland and do the circular route is usually at the beginning of autumn, which is when the light times are more proportionate with respect to European countries. Also, early fall is when the Northern Lights season begins.

4. What can be seen on the circular route?

Gullfoss in Iceland
Gullfoss – Roser Martínez /

Iceland’s circular route gives us access to practically all the treasures of the country. Essentials are the Thingvellir National Park, the Valley of Geysers, the Gullfoss waterfall and the Blue Lagoon. They are a small detour from the highway of no more than 30 kilometers.

The most recommended area of ​​Iceland is usually the southern region. It is, apart from the most populated region, the region with the most beautiful landscapes. Volcanoes, glaciers, hot springs, lakes … A natural paradise! And also, on the route you can visit beautiful towns such as Höfn or Egilsstadir. They are old fishing villages that you will love.

And here are our tips for you to organize and enjoy the Icelandic circular route to the fullest. Although it is an expensive country compared to other places in Europe, rest assured that it will be worth the trip. And a lot. You will be delighted! Get ready to live a unique and incomparable experience!

Landmannalaugar, an Iceland that is worth it

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