Huddersfield In The UK: Meet Victoria Tower

The Victoria Tower stands on a hill where fortified enclosures have existed for centuries. One of the least known treasures in the country.
Huddersfield in the UK: Meet the Victoria Tower

If you travel to the UK, you have to visit Huddersfield. You may not have heard of this city, but remains of a fortress have been found here that traces its origins no less than 25 centuries ago. It is located on a hill, so the views from there are amazing.

It is best to organize a walk from the city to the hill and contemplate the figure of the impressive Tower of Victory. This is Huddersfield’s main attraction and one of England’s architectural treasures.

Castle Hill in Huddersfield

View of Castle Hill in Huddersfieldm
Castle Hill – Donald Judge /

Castle Hill (Castle Hill) is the main tourist attraction of Huddersfield. A place that, according to the studies carried out, would have been inhabited since Neolithic times. Some stone and bronze tools have been found from that time.

Centuries later, already in the Iron Age (555 BC), it seems that a fortress was built here. It would take a few more centuries for it to be remodeled. That possibly happened in the middle of the 1st century, with the aim of dealing with the Roman invasion.

Other remains found on Castle Hill testify, on the other hand, that there may already have been a castle or similar building in the 12th century. From that time a coin and an old wooden stake have been found. Two centuries later, around the 14th century, it would be abandoned and nothing would remain of those fortresses.

The hill in the last centuries

Castle Hill in Huddersfield
Castle hill

However, Castle Hill has always been an important place for the citizens of Huddersfield. In fact, this has been a meeting point, for protests and even for rallies during strikes called throughout the 19th century.

And it has also been the scene of clandestine activities. On its slopes a tavern was built in which not only prostitution was practiced, but also cock and dog fights were held.

On the other hand, Castle Hill has served as a bastion of the defense of the town. It hosted an antiaircraft battery that protected Huddersfield from attacks that could come through the air during wartime.

Already in recent years, the hill has become Huddersfield’s biggest tourist attraction. It is common to see people walking along its slopes and visiting the tower that rises above it.

Huddersfield’s Victoria Tower

Victoria Tower in Huddersfield
Victoria Tower – James Lashmar /

On the hill, the leading role is taken by the Victoria Tower. It was built at the end of the 19th century and can be seen from all over the town. Not in vain it is more than 32 meters high, which rise over the 305 meters of the hill.

As you can imagine, it was named after Queen Victoria. After more than six decades of reign, this was a particular tribute from Huddersfield to his figure.

A tower that came to be in danger. During World War II there were those who planted its demolition to prevent it from serving as a guide for German bombers. The tower was saved from the pickaxe and also from some bombs that came to fall in its surroundings.

What else to see in Huddersfield

If you are going to Huddersfield, in addition to Castle Hill, you should visit Greenhead Park. It is an ideal setting to walk and enjoy a fabulous natural space. It is the best place in town to sit on a bench, read a book and spend hours and hours.

And in this town,  its cemeteries are also worth visiting. Special mention deserves that of Holy Trinity, a church that has in its garden a Romanesque style cemetery of great beauty. Therefore, it is common to see people walking among the graves.

Huddersfield is not one of the most touristy towns in the UK. However, as you have seen, it also has its charms and a long history. If you are near Manchester, it can be an interesting excursion, since only 50 kilometers separate both cities.

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