If You Live In A Small City You Will Recognize Yourself In These Situations

If you live in a small city you will recognize yourself in these situations

When our place of residence is not a large city or the capital of a country, there are very special habits, traditions and customs. They only make sense for those of us who share that site and for others they can even be surprising. If you live in a town or a small city, you will surely feel identified with what we are going to tell you.

Things that only happen in a small town

Perhaps you were born in a town far from the big cities or you still live there. In any of the cases you will feel more than reflected in the following situations:

1. It’s the best place in the world

The region, the town or the own locality is always better than any of the others. We have the best river, the best restaurant, the most beautiful square, etc. Showing off is very common in small towns. That women, that parties, that food … we always top the ranking in any aspect.

2. Rivalry between nearby towns

If there is one thing that no one can deny, it is that the neighbors are constantly comparing and fighting. We are not talking about people who live on the same block or across the street, but a few miles away, in another town to be more precise.

Ciutadella in Menorca
Ciutadella, Menorca – tuulijumala

They have a better soccer team, we have a basketball team… they have a lagoon, we have a river… they make the best starters, we make desserts, and so on ad infinitum. If for some reason they are in a “common” site, the replicas to see who is better than the other do not take long to appear.

3. No limits

In small towns there are no bars, walls or barriers … children can play wherever they want and that feeling of freedom is really wonderful. For those arriving from a metropolis it can be frightening and unexpected. But it is something that the villagers proudly show to those who wish it.

4. The food is elaborate

In small towns there are usually no fast food chains or anything like that. The restaurants are home-made and in most cases with local products. The gastronomic tradition is closely linked to the towns.

View of Sepúlveda
Sepúlveda, Segovia – PHB.cz (Richard Semik

In a small city it is common for businesses to be run by their owners who have been doing the same for several generations. When you go out to eat, you have to prepare your stomach, because food is an experience for the five senses.

In addition, when a family is celebrating they prepare well in advance to entertain all the guests. From the early hours of the morning they begin to serve the dishes … they do not stop until late at night. Diet? In the town it is not known what that is!

5. On Sundays at mass

Major cities have lost that tradition of attending Sunday mass, not even going to pray at any time of the week. In a town or small city this is sacred. He who does not go … will be the target of all eyes the following Sunday.

It is useless to resist … children, adolescents, adults and the elderly may have to attend the only church in the entire region. All, of course, elegantly dressed.

6. Parties are parties

Tomatina deBuñuel
Tomatina de Buñuel – Carlesboveserral / commons.wikimedia.org

If city people believe that going to a rave is the most massive thing they have done in their lives … it is because they have not witnessed any festivity in a town. Especially in the month of August, festivities abound in small towns. Of course there is competition with the neighbors, meals up to the ears, freedom to do what you want, masses and…. the best party in the world.

Everything that happens in a town is included in that party. And that is why it is so special, everyone comes not only residents, but also from nearby places. It is an experience that may not be enjoyed as much if you live there, but visitors have a great time … it must have something special, right?

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