Intensive Or Extensive Travel: Which Is Better?

Get to know a destination in detail or take a tour and see more places in the same country or region? What you decide depends fundamentally on your preferences.
Intensive or extensive travel: which is better?

Surely, all travelers have been faced with the dilemma of whether to make an intensive or extensive trip. This is mainly due to the fact that there are destinations where there are so many attractions that it seems impossible to cover them all for reasons of time.

In reality, every trip forces us to rule out possibilities. On many occasions, not even the inhabitants of a place know all the points of interest in it. How are we going to achieve that in the span of a vacation or a normal trip?

At the same time (and especially when we go to a distant place), we find it a waste not to visit as many points of interest. We may never go to that site again, so why not apply ourselves thoroughly? This is where the dilemma arises: intensive or extensive travel?

The intensive trip

Tourist in Paris


An intensive trip is one in which you focus on a few specific points, usually one or two. The purpose is to know them in detail and in depth. It is, for example, that if you go to Cancun you end up knowing the largest number of points of interest in that destination, even if you do not visit anything else in Mexico.

These are the most common types of trips. Basically, they allow you to spend little time on local commutes. They also avoid having to solve the problem of multiple accommodations and multiple regional trips. They also do not require great adaptability and are generally less expensive.

The most important thing is that they allow you to know in depth the destination you are going to. When you come back, you really know what you’re talking about when you mention that place. An intensive trip gives you the opportunity to explore in detail and get much more into the culture of the place.

The extensive trip

Traveler with a good travel backpack

The extensive trip is the one that is carried out visiting several destinations in the same trip. Destinations that may be relatively distant from each other. The purpose, in this case, is to cover as many attractions as possible, even if there is no time to know each one in detail.

This type of travel is typical of those who are passionate about traveling and knowing. They require more time, although this is not always a necessary condition. They also tend to demand more money, although this is not a deciding factor either. They involve an arduous investigation, as well as multiple procedures to identify accommodation, transport, etc.

The interesting thing about extensive trips is that they allow a global review of an entire region or country. Although these types of routes prevent you from really entering each point, on the other hand, they do offer greater diversity and adventure.

Intensive or extensive travel?

Traveler at an airport thinking about intensive or extensive travel

Faced with the dilemma of whether to take an intensive or extensive trip, there is no single answer. As is often the case, it all depends on several factors. The first of them is yourself. Your tastes and preferences play a fundamental role in this.

If you are a very organized person and if traveling stresses you a bit due to the changes it implies, you will have a much better time doing an intensive trip. If, on the other hand, you are a very dynamic person who loves to find novelties and contrasts, surely you are going to get a lot out of an extensive trip.

Other factors that you should take into account

Traveler in Cambodia

Faced with the decision of whether to make an intensive or extensive trip, the destination you are going to also counts a lot. It should have a good transport infrastructure to facilitate an extensive trip, unless you are backpacking and are in the mood for an extreme adventure. Otherwise, you could have a lot of difficulties.

And you have to take into account your physical condition. An extensive trip requires good health, as it is ultimately much more exhausting than an intensive trip. Traveling is tiring and, if you are not in good condition, this could affect your health.

On the other hand, you have to assess the possibilities you have of returning to that destination. If you see it relatively possible, it is better that you focus on a single point and enjoy it thoroughly. If, on the other hand, you are unlikely to return, perhaps you should consider covering more points.

Taking an intensive or extensive trip depends fundamentally on the way you feel that you are going to enjoy more. Analyze the possibilities carefully because it is one of those decisions that end up determining everything in a journey .

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