Learn About The History Of The Plaza Mayor In Madrid

Learn about the history of the Plaza Mayor in Madrid

The Plaza Mayor in Madrid is one of the most emblematic monuments of the capital of Spain. It is located in the heart of Madrid de los Austrias, near Calle Mayor.  Next to the Puerta del Sol, the Royal Palace or the Almudena Cathedral, it is one of the must-see places for every tourist visiting the city for the first time. This is his story.

The origin of the Plaza Mayor in Madrid

Before the Plaza Mayor existed, the place was known as “Plaza del Arrabal” and it was where the main market of the town of Madrid was held during the 16th century. This location was chosen because the roads of Toledo and Atocha converge there.

Later, when King Felipe II had already moved his court from Toledo to Madrid, in 1580 he commissioned the architect Juan de Herrera to remodel the square. The works began that same year. However, in the reform of the square his successors continued: Felipe III and Carlos II. The works were completed in 1619 by Juan Gómez de Mora, already during the reign of Felipe III.

Plaza Mayor of Madrid
Plaza Mayor – Maylat

Interesting facts about the Plaza Mayor in Madrid

The plaza is 129 meters long and 94 meters wide and has a total of 237 balconies. It has ten entrances, six of them with large arches that open onto 7 de Julio and Felipe III streets to the north; Sal and Gerona to the east; Toledo to the south and Ciudad Rodrigo to the west.

There are two more arches that do not coincide with any exit from the square and three accesses without an arch: the Arc de Triomphe, Zaragoza and Buttons. The last access, and the best known, is the Arco de Cuchilleros.

What to see in the Plaza Mayor in Madrid

Despite having been standing for almost four centuries, the Plaza Mayor in Madrid has survived three major fires in its history. The first occurred within a few years of its completion, in 1631. The second occurred in 1670. The damage was restored until the last, which occurred in 1790, resulted in the corners of the square being closed.

Since then, parts of the Plaza Mayor have been restored to result in what we now know of it. These are the attractions of the square that you cannot miss :

1. Bakery House

Bakery House in the Plaza Mayor
Bakery House – Franck Boston

It is the most famous building in the Plaza Mayor in Madrid. It was the first to be built, in 1590, from the town’s main bakery, which was where bread was made. It is an easily recognizable building, because its façade is decorated with mythological images.

It initially had four floors, a porticoed entrance and two corner towers, but they were destroyed during the fire of 1670. It has hosted the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando and the Royal Academy of History. Today they are municipal dependencies. At the top centered you can find a stone carved blazon with the arms of King Charles II.

2. Statue of Felipe III

Statue of Felipe III in the Plaza Mayor of Madrid
Felipe III statue – ManuelfromMadrid

It was a gift that the Grand Duke of Florence made to the King of Spain, although initially it was installed in the Casa de Campo. Currently, it is located in the center of the Plaza Mayor and was carried out by Juan de Bolonia and by his disciple Pietro Tacca, finishing in 1616. It was placed in the Plaza Mayor by Queen Elizabeth II, who ordered its transfer in the year 1848.

After the proclamation of the First Spanish Republic, he withdrew from the square for fear of vandalism. It was like this until Alfonso XII ordered it to be placed again. In 1931, with the Second Republic, it suffered an attack. Specifically, they introduced an explosive device into the horse’s mouth. It had to be restored and the mouth sealed to prevent similar acts.

3. Cuchilleros Arch

Arco de Cuchilleros in the Plaza Mayor of Madrid
Arco de Cuchilleros – Manuel / Flickr.com

It is the best known of the ten entrances to the Plaza Mayor in Madrid. It stands out for its beauty, although it cannot be appreciated from the inside due to the arcades of the square. It has a staircase to bridge the gap between the square and the Cava de San Miguel.

The origin of the name is due to the fact that it leads onto Calle Cuchilleros. In it were installed the workshops of the guild of cutlers, in charge of supplying articles to the butchers of the square. Currently, behind this arch are some of the typical bars and restaurants of Madrid.

A special place

Plaza Mayor of Madrid
Plaza Mayor – Mayla-

The Plaza Mayor is an important tourist spot where thousands of tourists converge each year. It is also one of the most beautiful and historic places in the Spanish capital.

Under its arcades there are numerous commercial premises, especially catering. And its space is usually used to hold festivals, especially during the San Isidro festivities. In addition, every year in December it is the scene of the traditional Christmas market, a custom that has been in force since 1860.

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