Lingyin Temple And Its Stone Carved Buddhas

It is one of the most important Buddhist temples in China. It is because of its history, its dimensions and the magnificent collection of rock-sculpted Buddhas that it has.
Lingyin temple and its stone carved buddhas

The Lingyin Temple is one of the jewels of Hangzhou, in China. This place is home to thousands of monks and has a great heritage. In fact, this temple is one of the largest and most valued in the country. However, for visitors, its main attraction is the nearly 300 statues of Buddha that are in its facilities.

The temple, which is at the foot of a mountain, has several Buddhist pagodas and grottos. Despite the influx of tourists, here you can breathe peace and tranquility. Therefore, it is always an interesting visit. Let’s get to know him better.

The history of the Lingyin temple

Interior of the Lingyin Temple
Temple interior

The Lingyin Temple was founded in 328 and six centuries later it already housed more than 3,000 monks in its facilities. The wealth of this place increased after its reconstruction between the 12th and 13th centuries. However, since then it has suffered robberies and attacks, for which it has had to be restored 16 times.

During its almost 17 centuries of history, the Lingyin Temple has been dedicated to religious and spiritual activities. Today, although it is home to thousands of monks, it is mostly occupied by tourists. But pilgrims from all over the world also come here, although especially from other parts of China.

What awaits you at Lingyn Temple

Everything will surprise you in this peculiar temple, from the height of its structures to the unique sculptures that adorn it. We take a little tour of it.

The caves

Path to Lingyin Temple
Road to Lingyin Temple – Kwong Yee Cheng /

The Feilai Feng caves are caves that you can visit. The limestone peak that hides them has a curious legend. He tells that he was in India and traveled to this place by flying thanks to the omnipotence of Buddhism.

Hall of the Four Kings

Interior of the Lingyin Temple
Temple interior

The Hall of the Four Kings is the main entrance to the temple and one of the most important parts. It has a statue of the Maitreya Buddha. The oldest statue in the temple is also here, a Skanda Buddha, which is at least 800 years old.

In this room are the statues of the four heavenly kings. These sculptures are so large that they will blow you away. The grandiloquence of this room makes the Lingyin Temple one of the main centers of Buddhism in China.

Crossing through a courtyard you will arrive at the Mahavira Hall. In it you can see the Shakyamuni statue, which is the largest in the country built with wood. In the rest of the room, the Guanyin statue and the golden ceiling, located 30 meters high, stand out.

The Buddha Statues of Lingyin Temple

Maitreya Buddha at Lingyin Temple
Maitreya Buddha

Without a doubt, the most peculiar thing about this temple is the path on which the Buddha statues are found. A path “strewn” with sculptures carved into the hard rock, located in niches or small caves.

There are about 300, some in better shape than others. They were not sculpted at the same time, but were made between the 10th and 14th centuries. And each of them is different from the previous one.

The most curious and also photographed of all is that of the Maitreya Buddha. He is smiling and lying down. In addition, it leaves its huge belly in the air. This statue is one of the best preserved of all those next to the Lingyin Temple.

What else to see in Hangzhou

Hangzhou West Lake
Hangzhou West Lake

In Hangzhou, Lingyin Temple is one of the main tourist attractions, but not the only one. You must visit the Six Harmonies Pagoda, built in 970. It honors the six Buddhist ordinances, which are the harmonies of heaven, earth, east, west, north and south.

Another area you must see in Hangzhou is the famous West Lake. In it there are up to four artificial islands. You can walk through it to get to know it in depth and enjoy the best views from its viewpoints. You also have the option of knowing the lake from within, that is, in a boat that crosses its waters.

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