Listen To Mass In Quechua In The Cathedral Of Cuzco

With the Taytacha de los Temblores on the Main Altar of the Cathedral of Cuzco, the songs in Quechua, the official language of the Incas, resonate harmoniously in this imposing building. An overwhelming experience that rejoices the soul of every visitor.
Hear mass in Quechua at the Cathedral of Cuzco

Cuzco is a wonderful city with thousands of places to visit and experiences to live. But, without a doubt, one of the most unique experiences is listening to mass in Quechua in the city’s cathedral. And it does not matter if you are a believer or not, you will know how to appreciate it in the same way.

The Cathedral of Cuzco

Cusco Main Square
Cusco Main Square

The Cathedral of Cuzco is located in the Plaza de Armas of the city, on some huge stairs. For its construction various places were considered, first, the site that today occupies the Church of Triumph; then, in the Cusipata area (near the Plaza de Armas); finally, in 1553 the site where it is located today was acquired.

Its construction began in 1560 and culminated almost a century later, in 1664. It seems that the huge stones of Sacsayhuaman were used to build it, an important Inca complex located a few kilometers from the cathedral.

The temple occupies an area of ​​about 3956 m². It is declared Cultural Heritage of the Nation and is a unique and singular example of the syncretism achieved between the Christian and the Inca.

Cathedral architecture

Cuzco Cathedral
Cuzco Cathedral

It is a construction with a hall plan of three naves : nave of the epistle, nave of the Gospel and the central nave, which coincide with the three doors on the façade. This is in the Baroque style and is flanked by two harmonic towers. Inside, large pillars with attached columns are reminiscent of the Cathedral of Granada.

Baroque, Renaissance and Mannerist altarpieces adorn the walls of the temple. Likewise, there you can enjoy a valuable collection of paintings from the Cusco school, with works by Diego Quispe Tito, Basilio Santa Cruz Pumacallo, Basilio Pacheco and Marcos Zapata, creator of a beautiful Last Supper where the main dish is roast guinea pig.

You must also appreciate samples of the goldsmith of the area, such as the main altar, made of silver and dominated by the imposing figure of the Lord of the Earthquakes. Thus, we can see Inca, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque elements and we can enjoy a spectacular event: listen to my in Quechua, the language of the Incas.

Mass in Quechua in the Cathedral of Cuzco

Interior of the cathedral
Interior of the cathedral – Rodolfo pimentel / Wikimedia Commons

The Cathedral of Cuzco is one of the few places where we can still hear mass in Quechua. Very few priests know and use this language. Whether you are a believer, a visitor or a curious person, we recommend that if you visit the city you experience this liturgy, as it will not leave you indifferent.

Spanish and Quechua intermingle during the Eucharist. Quechua is reserved for key moments. Hymns such as the Apu yaya Jesus Christ , the official hymn of the Indian faith, or the Apu Jesus Christ , which is usually sung between the epistle and the Gospel, are inserted .

We can also hear the Qanmi God Kanki  (also known as the Yuraq Holy Host ), which usually accompanies the elevation of the consecrated host and chalice.

But Quechua is not limited only to masses. It is also present in the patron saint festivities and processions. Likewise, there is an extensive repertoire of Marian hymns such as the Qullanan María and the Virgen santa Diospa maman that are sung at the festivities of the Virgin.

Masses in Quechua take on a lot of feeling since, for many Cuzqueños and Peruvians, Quechua is the mother tongue. Therefore, it is the language of intimacy and family. Thus, a Quechua hymn has a strong emotional charge. This language, for many, has an emblematic value, of identity and of tradition.

In addition to listening to mass in Quechua, admire the cathedral

Concert in the Cathedral of Cuzco
Interior of the cathedral – Daniel Lobato /

In order to enjoy this beautiful experience, we must go to the cathedral during mass hours. That is, from Monday to Sunday at 6:30 a.m., 7:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. Getting up a little early is worth it, because the experience will be unforgettable. In addition, as long as you keep secrecy and respect, you can see the impressive building.

Next to the cathedral we find the Temple of Triumph, the oldest church in Cuzco and where the remains of the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega have been found since 1978. Also next to it is the temple of the Sagrada Familia.

Travel to the Inca mysteries in Cuzco, a fascinating city

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