Live And Know The Mediterranean Gastronomy

Varied and delicious, Mediterranean cuisine has three essential products: olive oil, wheat and grapes.
Live and know the Mediterranean gastronomy

Mediterranean gastronomy extends throughout the Mare Nostrum basin , as its name says. And it is characterized by a series of common elements that have been used since ancient times in the kitchens of any country in this region. So, if you travel through the Mediterranean, you will be able to see variants of the same dishes in each country.

The first thing we are going to clarify is that the Mediterranean diet is a much more modern concept and that it has been created with healthy criteria. That is to say, in this diet the healthiest of Mediterranean gastronomy has been selected.

But we,  what we are going to talk about here is gastronomy in a broader sense, and surely much tastier.

The magical triad of Mediterranean gastronomy

Mediterranean gastronomy products

Although it may not seem like it at first glance, from Murcia to Israel, or from Croatia to Libya, there are three products that are repeated in the typical gastronomy: olive oil, wheat and grapes.

But apart from those basic ingredients of Mediterranean cuisine, during our travels through southern Europe, the Maghreb and the Middle East we see other products. And with all of them traditional recipes are made that you cannot miss on your tours of this part of the world.


Pizza plate, typical of Mediterranean gastronomy

Let’s start with the most popular recipe in the world. We talk about pizza. Well, it is a typical dish of Mediterranean cuisine that emerged in Naples.

Something as simple as a flour dough, that is, bread, but very flat and with the ingredients placed on top to go directly to the heat of the oven. The original has something as simple as tomato, basil and cheese, but from there there are endless combinations.


Typical gazpacho of Mediterranean gastronomy

In southern Spain there is a dish that we can also consider an emblem of Mediterranean gastronomy. It’s the gazpacho. It is a refreshing smoothie with garden products, such as tomato and cucumber, and where bread and oil also play a fundamental role.


If we cross to the southern shore of the Mediterranean, we will find another dish where wheat flour is basic. Of course, a flour that requires a lot of work to turn it into a special semolina with which couscous is made, the party dish in many countries of the Maghreb region such as Morocco or Algeria.

The seasoned olives

Marinated olives

Olive oil is possibly the most charismatic product of Mediterranean gastronomy. A delicacy without which the Mediterranean cannot conceive of food, although in other parts of the world it is an extremely expensive delicatessen . Well, we don’t just eat olives in the form of oil throughout the Mare Nostrum .

In any country in this basin they can put you as an aperitif a plate with olives seasoned with herbs and spices. And in any area that dressing will be different.


Legumes appear in a second range of Mediterranean gastronomy, which are eaten both stewed and in salads. However, perhaps the most international formula is hummus. That is, chickpeas with well-pressed sesame, garlic and cumin. A most humble and healthy delicacy.

Grilled fish

Grilled fish

We are talking about the Mediterranean, and obviously fish has always been a key food. If you travel to any coast, look for a restaurant near the sea that makes grilled fish.

They will put you the most common variety of local fish, but always fresh. No matter what type of fish it is, it will become a feast if we eat it at sunset and in the appropriate company.

A toast

We are going to end up toasting Mediterranean gastronomy. To accompany any of these dishes, or a good roast lamb, a Greek moussaka or a bouillabaisse soup from Marseille, it is best not to miss a good wine on the table.

It can be Spanish, French, Italian, Greek, Croatian … But it can also be made in Tunisia or Lebanon. In short, wherever you come from, toast to Mediterranean cuisine.

Enjoy gastronomic days in different countries

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