Live Lisbon With These Essentials

Live Lisbon with these essentials

Lisbon, the capital of Portugal is known for its gastronomy, its bridges, its trams and its monuments. Destination chosen by millions of travelers per year we want it to be for you too. To help you enjoy it, we want to show you everything that you cannot miss about this city, so that it will be your next destination on the list.

As we have said, Lisbon is home to many places of interest, so we are going to classify them by type, making a small list of the most prominent ones.

Lisbon squares

Commerce Square

Lisbon Commerce Square
Commerce Square – Dennis van de Water

It is the most important in the city of Lisbon, as it occupies the place where the Royal Palace was located before an earthquake demolished it in 1755.

On the southern part it is open, being there  access to the Tagus River and the Cais de Sodré station, from where the boats that make excursions to the river depart.

Rossio Square

It is embraced by bars, restaurants and shops, which has made it a meeting place for locals and tourists. It is the liveliest in the city, and is surrounded by cheap hotels and pensions where you can spend your stay in the city.

The museums of Lisbon

National Museum of Archeology

Jerónimos Monastery in Lisbon
Jerónimos Monastery – Cenz07

This museum hides the greatest archaeological finds in Portugal and was founded in 1893 by José Leite de Vasconcelos.

It is adjacent to the Jerónimos Monastery and some of its objects date from the Paleolithic. It is an essential visit on your vacation in the city, since you can delight your eyes with unique objects that you will never find elsewhere.

National Museum Two Cars

If you like cars, this is undoubtedly a place that you cannot miss. In it you will see an immense collection of cars and carriages from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the most impressive in history. Some of them belonged to kings and people of the nobility, which makes it a unique place worth visiting.

The most emblematic monuments of Lisbon

Monastery of los jeronimos

Jerónimos Monastery Church
Jerónimos Monastery Church – BrendanDias

In 1983 it was declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco. Its construction spanned almost two hundred years of history and its Manueline style is difficult to find in other similar monuments.

Its church inside, will possibly be the most peculiar you have ever seen, as it only has six columns that give a feeling of depth and height that seems to never end.

Belem’s tower

Belem Tower – Mario Savoia

Also Manueline in style and declared Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 1983, it is another essential visit in Lisbon.

It was built as a fortress to defend the city, but over time, due to its location (at the mouth of the Tagus), it became a lighthouse and a customs center. Do not miss its peculiar rhinoceros gargoyle, perhaps in homage to the first of these animals that arrived in the country in 1513.

Castle of San Jorge

Castle of San Jorge
Castle of St. George – Sean Pavone

It is located on the San Jorge hill, the highest in Lisbon.  This has made this castle, which can be seen both during the day and at night, one of the most famous monuments in the Portuguese capital.

Its construction was delayed almost three centuries and it was occupied by the kings of Portugal, although apparently Phoenician, Greek and Carthaginian remains have been found, which confirms the presence of other civilizations in this location.

Monument to the Discoveries

Monument to the Discoverers in Lisbon
Discoverers Monument – Kemal Taner

Near the Torre de Belém you can enjoy this wonder created by man. A 52 meter high monument that was erected in 1960 to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the discovery of the Azores, Madeira and Cape Verde.

You can climb to the top and contemplate a beautiful panorama of the city. In addition, from above you can fully see the Rose of the Winds, a mosaic designed by Cristina Da Silva as a gift from the Republic of South Africa.

As you can see, Lisbon is rich in culture, architecture, monuments and much more. A city that will awaken your five senses  and that will make you wish that it is not your last time in it.

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