Navaluenga, An Incredible Natural Pool In Ávila

Navaluenga, an incredible natural pool in Ávila

In Castilla y León, in the province of Ávila, Navaluenga is a beautiful destination for a weekend getaway. It is very close to Madrid, just 100 kilometers away, and it is perfect to escape the heat thanks to its magnificent natural pools. Do you want to know more?

Navaluenga : a unique environment

Located in the valley of the Alberche valley and in the foothills of the Sierra de Gredos, Navaluenga is crossed by the Alberche river from west to east.  As it passes through the town, its waters form natural pools that begin above the Old Bridge and continue below the so-called New Bridge.

Navaluenga – Hiking Sermar /

South of Navaluenga we can find the Sierra del Valle. In it several gorges are born through which crystalline waters flow. Gorges such as those of Rollar, Raios or La Cabrera, among others. They are perfect for hiking among wonderful landscapes of meadows, orchards and forests of chestnut, walnut, ash and oak.

And, if you want to see something really beautiful, do not hesitate to go to the Peñaltar gorge, with a height of more than 1000 meters, an unforgettable wild enclave. Lanchamala and La Rubiera are also spectacular.

In addition,  we recommend that you visit the Valle de Iruelas Natural Reserve, a protected area of ​​8,440 hectares home to hundreds of birds and shared by three municipalities in addition to Navaluenga: El Tiemblo, El Barraco and San Juan de la Nava.

The pools of Navaluenga

Navaluenga pools
Navaluenga Pools – Sergio Alcántara /

In this wonderful environment you can take a refreshing bath. Navaluenga is known for its fantastic (and cold) natural pools. Rarely will you be able to bathe in such a beautiful place and in the shadow of a magnificent Romanesque bridge. And not only bathing, due to its dimensions, you can also practice some canoeing.

On its grassy banks you will also find a perfect place to lie down and relax in the fresh air. And not only that, but it has the basic services for the comfort of bathers. There is also an area enabled for pets to bathe.

Get to know Navaluenga through its heritage

Although the region was populated by the Vettones and later by the Visigoths,  the first documents that speak of Navaluenga as a town date from the end of the 12th century. At that time he was part of the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem. As a curious fact, the word “Alberche”, which gives its name to the valley that surrounds the town, comes from the Arabic “al-birka” which means “the pond).

In addition to enjoying the water, during your stay in Navaluenga you cannot miss these places of interest and attractions within its heritage:

1. Our Lady of the Villares Parish Church

It was built between the 13th and 14th centuries and became a parish in 1466. It has four 15th-century arches supported by six columns decorated with Gothic capitals and plant motifs. In addition, it houses a 13th-century Romanesque baptismal font.

In the church garden you can see the Cerrillo de San Marcos cross. It has Gothic style writing and an original ashlar at the base.

2. Romanesque bridge

Romanesque bridge of Navaluenga
Romanesque bridge – Javier Usúa de la Peña /

It is the authentic symbol of the town and “guardian” of its natural pools. It was built in the 16th century thanks to the contributions of the towns that then formed the council of Burgohondo. Built with granite ashlars and with four arches, it is reminiscent of Roman bridges for its structure.

The objective of its construction was to facilitate the passage of cattle towards the mountains, since the river was a huge barrier. In order to cross it, a gate had to be paid. Today it is exclusively for pedestrian access.

3. Medieval necropolis

This archaeological site dates from the 9th century and is made up of 15 tombs, very close to each other. This type of necropolis was very frequent in the Ávila mountains and belonged to a small community, a village scattered among nature.

4. Hermitage of Our Lady of Mercy

It is located in the area “Las Erillas”, near the Camino Viejo de Burgohondo, and is believed to date from the seventeenth century. It was built in masonry, with embedded walls. From inside this hermitage, “the farewell” is sung during the Romances Procession every Holy Thursday.

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