Nordik Spa Nature: Escape To An Ottawa Spa

It is the largest spa in all of North America. A place to relax and receive all kinds of wellness-related treatments.
Nordik Spa Nature: Ottawa Spa Escape

The Nordik Spa Nature has become one of the great attractions for tourists visiting Ottawa. The reason? The largest outdoor spa in North America awaits us there. A space dedicated to pleasure, relaxation and health. A place where everyone who visits it leaves better than enters. That’s one of the most compelling reasons to experience it in the first person.

Where is the Nordik Spa Nature

The Nordik Spa Nature is on the outskirts of Ottawa. More or less 10 minutes from the center, in the small town of Chelsea, belonging to the state of Quebec.

This is a place that seems to be much further from any civilized space, since it is the magnificent entrance for those who want to tour the Gatineau Natural Park.

Nordic-inspired, among other places

Outdoor pool
Outdoor pool – @NordikSpaNature

We can imagine from its name that much of the Nordik Spa Nature concept is inspired by the saunas and baths of Scandinavia. And, in fact, the image of one of its outdoor pools surrounded by snow evokes those landscapes of the northernmost area of ​​Europe.

But although the vast majority of spaces of its more than 7,500 m² of surface have a clear relationship with Nordic saunas and spas , there are also places inspired by other traditions.

For example, the sauna in which you can receive the Banya treatment. In it, the skin will receive the benefits of water vapor and strokes with eucalyptus leaves, as is the tradition in many Russian spas.

However, there is another emblematic space of the Nordik Spa Nature that has been inspired by another area of ​​the world. And here is a salty and underground pool where you can float as if it were the Dead Sea in the Middle East.

Nordik Spa Nature facilities

In total, along the Nordik Spa Nature we find seven hot water pools that are located outside. Its waters allow bathing even when the whole environment is white with snow.

Woman in a sauna

Besides that, there are 8 saunas for different treatments, as well as a simply unforgettable panoramic pool. But the offer of the Nordik Spa Nature does not end here, since there are different spaces for massage-based treatments or various therapies.

And there is also an exquisite restaurant and a large living room with a fireplace, ideal to complete the feeling of relaxation. It is difficult to part with such an idyllic place, so it is possible to stay in the place and continue with that healthy feeling.

The green spirit of the spa

The Nordik Spa Nature is a facility awarded with different awards, both for the quality of its services and for the spirit that surrounds it. Here is a criterion of environmental sustainability that goes from the architectural design to the operation of the facilities. And it also reaches users.

The silence

One of the qualities most valued by the users of the Nordik Spa Nature is its relaxing atmosphere. The noise level plays a substantial role in it, which in some points is non-existent.

With that criterion there are three different spaces. One of them is the so-called “kaskad”, where the rule is silence. In the “borea” zone only whispers are allowed. And finally, the “panorama” area has a more social character, since there it is possible to have a drink and chat in friendly company.

A sensational experience

Many travelers enter or leave Canada through Ottawa. Whether as a welcome or as a farewell to the great North American country, a visit to the Nordik Spa Nature can be a sensational experience. The ideal recovery after a long trip or a tribute before returning home.

Although you do not have to look for this type of special motivation to enjoy such sensations. If you are on the road through the country, it can be a good place to take a break. Something that, on the other hand, the citizens of Ottawa themselves do with an enviable regularity.

With the family in Ottawa, the capital of Canada

Main Photography: Peter Kovessy / Wikimedia Commons

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