Peratallada, The Best Medieval Complex In Catalonia

Peratallada, the best medieval complex in Catalonia

Very close to the border with France and declared a Historic-Artistic Site for the preservation of its medieval nucleus, Peratallada is a beautiful place to go on vacation if we want to rest or for a weekend getaway. You will love its streets, its monuments and its festivals.

Peratallada,  a journey through time

This wonderful city has everything to enjoy a typical region of the Middle Ages. With a population of less than 500 inhabitants and 135 kilometers from Barcelona, Peratallada is synonymous with time travel.

Peratallada street
Old town of Peratallada – funkyfrogstock

The Romanesque culture settled in this beautiful area to work the land. This could be verified with the vestiges of ceramics found in the town. However, the first written data about Peratallada date back to the 10th century when its imposing castle was built, belonging to the homonymous lineage. Around him the population expanded.

If you like the typical festivals of each place you go to, in this beautiful Catalan destination you can choose to travel the last weekend of April to enjoy the Peratallada Herb Fair; on July 27 for the habaneras sung; August 6 and 7 for the Fiesta Mayor; or  the first weekend of October, when the Medieval Market is held.

Peratallada, an authentic town

This is not to say that the other beautiful towns in Catalonia in particular (and Spain in general) are not original or typical, but because, without a doubt,  Peratallada is one of the few where time does not stand still, but is delayed. .

Streets of Peratallada
Streets of Peratallada – Marques

The stone streets form labyrinths that are worth crossing, the walls and windows of the houses full of vines and the scents that permeate the air form an authentic postcard of a book of knights and maidens.

To get to this city we must go to the center of Baix Empordá, on the Costa Brava, very close to other similar and very picturesque regions. We are going to see those corners that you cannot miss on your visit to Peratallada:

Church of Sant Esteve

It is one of the main buildings in Peratallada. The church of Sant Esteve (San Esteban) was built in the 13th century in the late Romanesque style.

Church of San Esteve in Peratallada
Church of Saint Esteve – Pabkov

It has four towers, walls with rose windows and inside the Gothic tomb of Baron Gilabert de Cruilles, none other than the first lord of the family in charge of founding this town.

Portal of the Virgin

Another of the places that you cannot miss is the Virgin’s portal, to access the very well preserved fortified complex and with a moat that just looking at it gives you chills if you think that someone would dare to jump over it.

Moat in Peratallada
Foso – Rodrigo Encinas /

To enter a drawbridge was used which today, unfortunately, is no longer there. The rock was cut to be used in the construction and from there the name Peratallada arises, that is, cut stone.

Strolling around Peratallada

The streets of the city show their original layout with the only difference that (luckily) the major and minor waters do not run through there like centuries ago. The buildings make up a wonderful medieval balance and that is what attracts so many people, especially in summer.

Arches in Peratallada
Bows – Simon /

Continuing along Calle Mayor you will reach the Plaza de les Voltes (of the vaults). You will surely realize why it has this name : for its arches! In the surroundings, some beautiful restaurants offer you a menu to enjoy typical dishes.

Another point on your route must be the castle-palace. Upon entering you will be able to learn about the various construction phases and also visit the Aula Mayor, where the baron dispensed justice.

Peratallada street
Peratallada Street – Joan Grífols /

From there you can take the streets (Carrers) del Forn and d’en Vas, one of the most beautiful you have ever seen in your life. Do not forget to pass by the corner of Hospital and Roca streets to marvel at a building completely covered by vines.

The clock tower and the fortification walls will finish the splendid tour of Peratallada. And if you want more walks, do not hesitate to visit the surroundings of the region, just 5 minutes from the center are the remains of the Iberian town of Ullastret. Or maybe, back to the 21st century, you are interested in going to Girona and spending a few days there.

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