Petrifying Well: The Petrifying Well In The UK

A well full of legends and magic that turns what falls into stone, this is how this magical place is.
Petrifying Well: The Petrifying Well in the UK

Petrifying Well is one of the most unique tourist attractions in the UK. It is a place on the banks of the River Nidd to which magical powers are attributed, including turning everything that falls into stone into stone. Do you want to know its mysteries?

What is Petrifying Well?

Petrifying Well is located near the city of Knaresborough, in the county of North Yorkshire, in England. It is a space that is considered the oldest tourist destination in the United Kingdom, since it has been charged for visiting it since 1630. And all this, due to the magical powers attributed to it to petrify everything that falls into it.

Petrified objects
Petrified Objects – Dark Dwarf /

Sir Charles Slingsby’s commercial vision should not be overlooked. This man bought the place from the king with a view to charging entry for visiting it and benefiting from the miraculous properties that the population of the area attributed to the water from this well. This has meant that for centuries it has been a place of pilgrimage for thousands of people.

Its proximity to another area full of mysticism, the cave of Mother Shipton, reinforced the halo of enchantment of the place. Around her revolves a legend about a witch, daughter of a local prostitute, who predicted many of the catastrophes that afflicted the world and historical events, such as the defeat of the Invincible Armada.

The petrifying well phenomenon

Petrified bicycle

As we have already mentioned, the ‘magic’ of this well is that for centuries it has been attributed the power to petrify everything that falls into it. A power that, of course, is quite far from reality. What really happens is a phenomenon of nature that is repeated in other parts of the world.

And what really happens? Well, the objects that are intentionally abandoned or deposited there so that they ‘turn into stone’ end up being covered with a thick stone shell. It is a phenomenon that is due to the fact that the waters of this well have a high concentration of minerals that adhere to objects that get wet with its water.

To the dismay of visitors from centuries past who fervently believed in the petrifying power of Petrifying Well, there is no molecular change in the objects left there.

Nothing really turns to stone. Although yes, the speed with which the stone crust covers the objects is impressive. Well after three to six months the objects are perfectly coated and really look like stone.

The visit to Petrifying Well

Objects in Petrfying Well

Despite everything, the place is a wonder of nature that deserves a visit. It is very curious to find hundreds of objects hanging from the walls of the well receiving the water that falls on them like a waterfall. They are objects that really seem to have turned into stone, but are the result of this slow process of creating a layer of minerals around them.

There are teddy bears, bicycles, masks, personal objects among which a Victorian hat stands out, etc. Some are new and some are centenary. And some of them, like stuffed animals, can be purchased at nearby souvenir shops .

Today, it is located within the Mother Shipton’s Cave Park and to visit this phenomenon of nature you have to go to the city of Knaresborough and enter its beautiful forest. Everything is signposted and ready for the visit. It has driveways and walkways inside the well to go through it, although it is not fully equipped for people with reduced mobility.

Opening hours vary according to the time of year, so we recommend that you check their availability before going. It has various entrance fees and the possibility of using the private parking for a small fee.

In addition, they do many activities for Christmas, Halloween and pets are allowed as long as they are on a leash. Not only that, but it is one of the favorite places in the area to celebrate civil weddings, hence you can find petrified rings in the well.

We discover England through its nature

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