Places In Spain To Relax And Forget About Everything

In them you can breathe pure air and tranquility, there is no noise or smoke, they are pure calm. That is why they are perfect to disconnect.
Places in Spain to relax and forget about everything

Hurry, nerves, routine … Day to day can be overwhelming. Do you need to disconnect? If so, pay attention, we want to take you to places in Spain to relax. Places where calm and silence reign, where you can forget almost everything. And maybe some of them are much closer than you think. Do you want to see them?

1. A bench with a view

Bank of Loiba
Bank of Loiba – Irantzu Arbaizagoitia

Someone said that it is the best bank in the world. We may not be able to certify that this is true, but it is one of the best places in Spain to relax . By day, the fabulous view of the Ortigueira coastline, in A Coruña, will leave you speechless. And at night, a clear sky of light pollution will make you forget almost everything around you.

2. A town where time stood still

Peñalba de Santiago in León
Peñalba de Santiago – luscofusco /

In León we find the Valley of Silence and there, a typical mountain town with stone houses and charming streets. Peñalba de Santiago and its surroundings invite you to walk calmly, to breathe fresh air and to corner everything that has to do with noise, technology and haste.

3. A heavenly beach

Torimbia beach in Asturias
Torimbia Beach – Oscar F. Hevia /

In Spain there are beaches where you can still enjoy without crowds, including this one in  Torimbia, in Asturias. Wonderful, with its shell shape the cliffs that surround it and the contrast between the golden sand and the intense blue of the sea. Beautiful and discreet, it is a benchmark for nudism in Spain.

4. The relaxing sound of water

Waterfall in the Natural Park of the Stone Monastery
Stone Monastery – M.Peinado /

It is not the waves, but the falling water in countless waterfalls that creates a most relaxing atmosphere in the Natural Park of the Monastery of Piedra, in Zaragoza. A perfect place to enjoy a few hours in nature, getting lost on its trails and discovering magical places, such as the Cola de Caballo waterfall or the Lago del Espejo.

5. A magical sunset

Lake of the Albufera Natural Park in Valencia
Albufera de Valencia – Enrique Domingo /

In Spain there are places where watching the sunset is an unforgettable experience, such as the San Nicolás viewpoint in Granada or Es Vedrá in Ibiza. But the sunset that you can enjoy in the Albufera de Valencia is not only beautiful, it is also less crowded. Here you will enjoy almost alone images that will bring peace to your mind and spirit.

6. A sea of ​​stars

Night on the Teide
Night on Teide – David Herraez Calzada

And if what you want is to enjoy the immensity and beauty of the sky if nothing interrupts your thoughts, the Teide National Park is perfect. Completely free of light pollution, the Teide environment is a Starlight Tourist Destination, that is, one of those places where you will feel closer than ever to the stars.

7. An almost deserted island, one of the best places in Spain to relax

La Graciosa one of the places in Spain to relax
La Graciosa – Barni1 –

In La Graciosa, off the coast of Lanzarote, there are two villages, but there is no asphalt. There are volcanoes and wonderful beaches, but there is no noise or pollution. Here there are no crowds, tranquility surrounds every corner of this small island. Perfect to get away from it all, one of those places in Spain to relax, to feel that civilization is far away.

8. An enchanted forest

Fragas do Eume
Fragas do Eume – luscofusco

In Fragas do Eume, in A Coruña, you can get lost in a practically virgin forest. A dense and wonderful forest in which you will come across streams that run with force, with fountains and waterfalls; also with old bridges, monasteries and places where you will not be able to stop standing to enjoy the sounds of nature. Is there anything more relaxing?

9. An oasis in the city

El Capricho Park
El Capricho Park – M.Peinado /

But even in big cities there are places where tranquility reigns. We refer to parks that make us forget where we really are. We could mention the María Luisa park in Seville or the Ciudadela park in Barcelona. But we are going to stop at the El Capricho park, in Madrid, a dream place that is romanticism in its purest form.

10. A relaxing bath

Outariz hot springs in Ourense
Termas de Outariz, Ourense – José Antonio Gil Martínez /

Few things are more relaxing than hot springs. Well, the city of Ourense is known for its hot water springs. And some of them can be enjoyed for free. There is no better way to end this tour of places in Spain to relax, don’t you think?

10 places in Spain to get lost in autumn

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