Places Near St. Vitus Cathedral In Prague You Should Know

Its silhouette stands out in the Old Town of Prague. It is one of the great attractions of the city, but near the cathedral there is much more to see and enjoy.
Places near St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague that you should know

St. Vitus Cathedral is located in what is known as the Old Town of Prague. It is part of the interior of the Prague Castle architectural complex and is located in the city center. For this reason, there are corners near St. Vitus Cathedral that you cannot miss if you visit the Czech capital.

1. The largest architectural complex in the world: Prague Castle

Prague Castle
Prague Castle – Steven Feather /

Prague Castle is the most important architectural complex in the city and in the Czech Republic. It has a tradition of more than a thousand years and is a dream destination for many tourists. It was founded in 880 and was the residence of the kings of Bohemia, as well as other important figures in history (emperors, presidents …).

In it are the jewels of the Crown of Bohemia. According to the Guinness Book of Records, Prague Castle is the largest architectural complex in the world, with an area of ​​almost 70,000 square meters.

The incredible story behind the Daliborka tower

Daliborka Tower near St. Vitus Cathedral
Daliborka Tower – mkline55 /

The name of this late-Gothic tower is due to a fictional character, Dalibor of Kozojed. He was the first inmate in this tower (which was a prison until the late 18th century). Dalibor lived in the 15th century: he was a young man who had been sentenced to death for helping servants who fought against the tyranny of the nobles during the reign of the Jagellion.

Thus, Dalibor ended up imprisoned in the tower and there he got a violin that he learned to play. Their songs were heard from outside the tower and moved the citizens of Prague, who came to admire them and encouraged Dalibor. When the nobles saw him, they assassinated him. There is an opera based on this story, Dalibor by Bedrich Smetana.

2. The most beautiful street: the Callejón del Oro

Golden Alley near St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague
Golden Alley – Ryan Park /

This street is very close to the Cathedral of San Vito , less than 300 meters and within the castle complex, specifically next to the wall. It is a street that contains only a dozen houses, but it is one of the most charming corners of the Czech capital.

It was built after a fire that took place in the 16th century. In that fire, the barracks of the royal guards’ houses were burned; Then, the emperor ordered the construction of the set of Mannerist-style houses that we see today to shelter them.

So … why is it called the Callejón del Oro?

The truth is that it is not known for sure. There is a legend around the name and it is as follows: in ancient times, the citizens of Prague believed that the emperor’s alchemists were housed in these houses. The rumor was fed over the years and it was given that name for the same reason.

3. The church of San Nicolás: the jewel of the Baroque where Mozart played

St. Nicholas Church in Prague
St. Nicholas Church- Andrew Price /

This church is very close to the Cathedral of Saint Vitus: 350 meters away. It is considered a jewel of the Baroque throughout Europe; Its imposing dome and its bell tower rise above the roofs of Prague’s buildings. Its interior is full of art: the frescoes on the dome are the work of Franz Palko and represent the Holy Trinity.

Inside the church there is, among many other treasures, a Baroque organ. The history of this instrument is linked to Mozart, as he played it several times during his stays in Prague. For this reason, a few days after his death in 1791, a mass was held in his honor in this church.

Don’t forget to climb the tower!

If you visit the church of San Nicolás, it could be said that the climb to the tower is mandatory. It has several rooms along the way that you can visit. In them, you will learn about the history of the bells, how they were created and what they are for. Once at the top, you can admire the wonderful Malá Strana neighborhood from 65 meters high.

4. Recharge your batteries near the Cathedral of San Vito

Trdelnick in Prague
Trdelnik – Martin /

600 meters from San Vito Cathedral is the creperie Creperie U Kajétana. It is ranked number 8 out of 163 coffee shops in Prague and number 75 out of 5,273 places to eat in the Czech capital. Therefore, the quality is assured.

That, together with its cozy and somewhat bohemian atmosphere, makes it the perfect place to rest and have a drink. Don’t forget to try the trdelnik (traditional cake). They say it is the best in Prague.

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