Places Of Interest You Must Visit In Orleans, France

The history of the city has an indisputable protagonist: Joan of Arc. For this reason, in Orleans it is remembered in different spaces.
Places of interest you must visit in Orleans, in France

Orleans, in France, is a small city with a very beautiful history. If you are traveling through the Gallic country and you are thinking about whether or not to include this city on your list, do it. Or better yet, take a look at what you can do in it to find out!

Orleans is part of what is known as the Loire route. It is one of the longest that allows you to get to know the country, but also one of the most enriching, since you make stops in unique cities anchored in times past.

Orleans, the mythical city on the banks of the Loire

Orleans, in France, can be a small city if we compare it with Paris, Lyon or Marseille. But years ago, an important event happened in this beautiful place and marked it forever in the history books.

Joan of Arc monument in Orleans
Joan of Arc monument in Orleans

To know this event  we have to go back to the 15th century, during practically the end of the Middle Ages, and talk about a figure: Joan of Arc.

This woman was a peasant who helped the army to free itself from the control of England, which in those years was ravaging the French territory. He claimed to have received a message from God, and relayed his words to the army leaders. Thanks to her, Carlos VII managed to proclaim himself King of France.

In Joan of Arc’s message, God entrusted her to march to Orleans and, from the city of the Loire, to confront the English. This was the beginning of the end of the so-called Hundred Years War. Although the end of Joan of Arc was the stake, the history of France changed forever.

What to see in Orleans, France?

Now that we know the importance of Orleans in France for history books, it is important to mention that at that time it was one of the most important cities in the country.

Today you can still feel that splendor. In this way, traveling to Orleans means that you must see the following places:

Cathedral of the Holy Cross, the great treasure of Orleans

Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Orleans, France
Cathedral of the Holy Cross

The Cathedral of the Holy Cross is one of the greatest architectural works that you can find in Orleans. It was built during the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries from the remains of the thirteenth century. And it is that the temple its destroyed before on several occasions.

It is in the Gothic and Baroque style, on a Latin floor plan, which reminds us of the beautiful Notre Dame de Paris. The highlight is its stained glass windows, which narrate the life of Joan of Arc.

Its two towers are somewhat different from the rest of the cathedrals of the time, since they are not so pointed. They are 80 meters high in an attempt to give the Cathedral of Orleans the highest possible importance.

It is located on Avenida de Juana de Arco. Every May 8 a military parade is held there. It stars a woman disguised as Joan of Arc, who travels the street on horseback. Throughout the summer and until the beginning of autumn, the city is decorated with very colorful flags.

Joan of Arc House

House of Joan of Arc in Orleans
House of Joan of Arc – juliagertrud /

We are wrong if we think that Joan of Arc lived in Orleans, since she was only in the city during the French siege. During those 10 days she was housed in what is known as the house of Joan of Arc. It is located very close to the Cathedral of the Holy Cross.

During World War II the house was destroyed and had to be rebuilt. Currently it has been converted into a house-museum.  In it you will see a collection of objects that once belonged to the French heroine.

Historic center of Orleans

Along with these two historical monuments, another of the things that makes this city beautiful is its fantastic old town. Their houses are perfectly restored. Thus it has been possible to recreate the image of what Orleans was during the Middle Ages.

Historic center of Orleans in France
Historic center of Orleans

Currently there are 300 houses cataloged from the time.  They are constructions of the XV and XVI centuries, in wood, although there are also some of the XVII already in brick.

Strolling through the historic center will be a very rewarding experience, since you will be able to see its half-timbered houses of different colors, giving life and beauty to the city. One of the best known is Burgundy Street, also Catherine Street and Martroi Square. In the latter there is a statue dedicated to Joan of Arc.

To end your visit to Orleans in France,  we advise you to visit the Groslot hotel, the old town hall. It is a mansion that began as a private house, later it was converted into the town hall and finally into a luxury hotel.

We also recommend visiting the Chatelet quay, where you can eat in the best restaurants in Orleans while enjoying views of the Loire. Ready for a unique experience?

Historic charm of the place where Joan of Arc was born

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