Prepare An Unforgettable Trip To Bergamo From Milan

Prepare an unforgettable trip to Bergamo from Milan

Touring the long meadows and countryside of Italy is a pleasure for the senses. There are many roads that can be traveled in Italian lands and one of the most spectacular routes you can do is the road to Bergamo from Milan. The hodgepodge of gastronomic, artistic and even cultural styles is one of its most important attractions.

To Bergamo from Milan

Lombardy Landscape
Lombardy – Calin Stan

The road to Bergamo from Milan is a relatively short way. By car it can take less than an hour, although if what you prefer is a walk, prepare your walking shoes, as 10 hours await you.

At first glance, all those hours of walking may seem like an ordeal, but the stops along the way and the landscapes that you will see will make your time fly by. We can assure you that you will enjoy the beauty.

Departure from Milan

Duomo, one of the places to see in Milan
Duomo – pp1

Milan is the largest metropolitan area in all of Italy. The city is the capital of the Lombardy region and has a multitude of places to visit before embarking on the journey.

The cathedral is one of its main monuments. Built during the 14th century, it is today one of the most beautiful places in the city and in Italy, due to its spectacular dimensions and the profusion of decorative elements.

Next to the cathedral we find the Victor Emmanuel II gallery. It is covered with large glass vaults in the shape of a Latin cross, where some of the best-known cafes and shops in the city are located.

In this beautiful enclave our journey begins, for the most seasoned the walk awaits them. For those who prefer to enjoy the journey by car or public transport, the Milan stations are waiting for the beginning of the adventure.

Intermediate stops on the way to Bergamo from Milan

1. Parco di Monza

Monza on the way to Bergamo from Milan
Monza – By alessandro

The Royal Villa of Monza is a large architectural complex in the neoclassical style. It was first used as a residence by the kings of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and later those of the Kingdom of Italy. This villa has a beautiful park garden and, with the Royal Palace of Caserta and Venaria Reale, constitutes one of the three most important royal villas in Italy.

In our first stop we will enjoy impressive gardens and a palace worthy of the most important of kings. In addition, if the stop is long, we can enter the interior of the palace to enjoy the light of its thousands of windows.

Although this could be a perfect destination, we must not forget that our destination is the beautiful city of Bergamo. So we grab our backpacks and continue traveling through the Italian countryside.

2. Gorgonzola

Gorgonzola on the way to Bergamo from Milan
Gorgonzola – Claudio Giovanni Colombo

This small town has great interest for cheese lovers. Gorgonzola is perhaps the best known blue cheese in Italy, with an intense flavor and which combines very well in pasta sauces.

Gorgonzola also has cobbled streets and colorful buildings. A small town in northern Italy is always a must on the road. After tasting the wonderful typical cheese in any Italian dish such as pasta, we continued our journey without stopping thinking about our destination.

3. Parco del Rio Vallone

Parco del Rio Vallone on the way to Bergamo from Milan
Parco del Rio Vallone – renata testa /

After having visited idyllic fairytale villages and palaces, nothing better than stopping to enjoy Italian nature. Vallones Park is one of the most impressive Italian enclaves. A large lake surrounded by snow-capped mountains is the perfect attraction for tourists.

In addition, this place is chosen by many Italians to celebrate all kinds of events. But the best thing to celebrate in this enclave is weddings. Many marriages are held annually since the possibility was opened. There is no better place to celebrate love than surrounded by mountains and romantic bridges.

Arrival in Bergamo

View of Bergamo
Bergamo – leoks

After multiple experiences and unforgettable experiences, our trip comes to an end. And what a final journey awaits us. Bergamo is a city full of life with many places to enjoy, especially in the Upper Town.

Bergamo Alta is a medieval city surrounded by walls  built in the 16th century, during the Venetian rule. It was then that these walls were added to the pre-existing fortifications to make the city impregnable.

The best known and most frequented part of the upper city is the  Piazza Vecchia, where you can see the Contarini fountain, the Palazzo della Ragione, the Palazzo Nuovo and the, whose campaigns are still tolled 100 times at ten o’clock at night as a souvenir of when in the past they announced the hour in which the gates of the walls were closed.

As you can see, seeing the trip to Bergamo from Milan is a real delight. You will not only find impressive places, in addition, your taste buds will enjoy and your senses will live unique experiences. Wait no more and get ready for the most enlightening path in all of Italy.

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