Rediscovering The Middle Ages In Vannes, France

Rediscovering the Middle Ages in Vannes, France

In the Brittany region there is a corner where time seems to have stopped, Vannes. A place full of magic and charm where history comes to life at every turn. This beautiful town preserves a medieval appearance as its main attraction. But Vannes is so much more, and we want to show you.

With a dazzling old town, Vannes is located very close to the sea, making it a renowned tourist hotspot. Strolling through its streets, sitting down to enjoy one of its squares … A perfect tribute to rest and a song to simplicity with echoes of eternity. Because here you can rediscover the Middle Ages in a way only possible in France: with style, culture and romance.

Vannes: a municipality with medieval airs

Vannes stands since the 1st century. Sentinel on the banks of the river Marle, the town was an important commercial center due to its geographical location, close to the Atlantic Ocean .

Vannes – Oscity

At the end of the Middle Ages, the town was one of the main Breton cities. Proof of this are its stony streets, its imposing wall or its facades taken from a story. The wooden sills welcome the traveler, immersing him in an unreal and beautiful atmosphere. History comes to life here, inviting the visitor to dream through architecture.

The oldest houses in the municipality date back to the 15th century, as do some of the palaces located there. The most famous of them, the Château Gaillard today retains its original design. For this reason, this building is currently part of the Vannes history museum.

The wall of Vannes

Vannes wall
Wall – Rolf E. Staerk

There is no important medieval city that does not have a strong wall. This is the main and indispensable element in the Middle Ages due to its clear defensive component. Today this function has been lost, but Vannes still has a magnificent wall.

Its walls surround the old town, protecting the cathedral, some small palaces and an infinity of beautiful half-timbered houses. It has six entrance doors, one of the oldest is that of the Prison, from the 13th century. Although undoubtedly the best known is the entrance in honor of San Vicente, patron saint of the town.

And in addition to the doors, there are three beautiful towers built in the 15th century. Next to one of them, the Torre du Connétable, you can see part of the old Gallo-Roman wall, built in the 3rd century.

Vannes cathedral

San Pedro Cathedral – RIRF Stock

The most surprising construction of Vannes is undoubtedly its cathedral. Dedicated to Saint Peter, the building is Gothic in appearance, but with a Romanesque soul. The place is a hymn to faith that completely dominates the walled enclosure.

This temple dazzled Alexander Dumas himself, who made the Musketeer Aramis the bishop of this city. But beyond the anecdote, the temple is a must-see, as the beauty that permeates it competes with the most beautiful European cathedrals.

Its interior, although less spectacular than its facade, houses a treasure. In the choir are the remains of San Vicente Ferrer, who died in the town in the 15th century.

The heart of Vannes

Vannes – DaLiu

To enjoy the rhythm of this idyllic city it is necessary to get lost in its streets. These will take you to lover’s nooks and magical corners . But if what you want to enjoy is the life of Vannes, Gambetta Square is the perfect location to start your visit. There, you can sit on a terrace and enjoy Breton wine while watching the evening fall.

Another option is to visit the marina area. The hustle and bustle of boats creates a most entertaining sight, and is the perfect place for an aimless hike.

Vannes waits to be discovered while hiding history and art within its walls. We finish with a tip: if you want to contemplate the best views, you will have them at dusk from the Tower of the Constable, five stories high. It is then that the lighting acts as stars and the slate roofs return the lunar glow. Quite a show.

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