Rubielos De Mora, A Beautiful Town In Teruel

Rubielos de Mora, a beautiful town in Teruel

Spain is full of charming towns and Rubielos de Mora is one of them. Located 52 kilometers from Teruel, it opens up as a great natural viewpoint, hence it receives the name of “Pórtico de Aragón”. On the other hand, it has an artistic and cultural heritage of great value and belongs to well-known tourist routes such as the Camino del Cid. If you want to know more about this impressive municipality, do not stop reading.

What to visit in Rubielos de Mora

Rubielos de Mora has numerous tourist attractions, such as the Church of Santa María la Mayor, a Baroque construction that houses a 15th-century Gothic altarpiece dedicated to the Life of the Virgin. You must also see the convents of the Calzados Carmelitas, with its impressive cloister, and that of the Augustinian Mothers.

Convent of El Carmen in Rubielos de Mora
Convent of Carmen – Ana del Castillo

There are more representative buildings of religious architecture,  the municipality has small but beautiful hermitages.  That of Santos Abdon and Senén is the oldest, since it was built in the 15th century. They also stand out that of Santa Ana, construction of masonry and stonework; and that of Pilar, located in the old house of the Marquis of Villasegura.

They are not the only ones, in Rubielos de Mora we must also name the hermitage of Santa Bárbara, that of the Desamparados, that of San Roque and that of Calvario. In other words, the religious heritage of this town in Teruel is extensive.

Civil architecture in Rubielos de Mora

House in Rubielos de Mora
Rubielos de Mora – Ana del Castillo

If we continue strolling through Rubielos we can see that it has a very well preserved old town. That is why it is not surprising that he was awarded the Europa Nostra prize in 1983. This award is given by the federation of the same name, which is in charge of safeguarding the cultural and natural heritage of the old continent.

On the other hand, the town has an endless number of manor houses and small palaces that belonged to great nobles and in which the work of stone and forge, its eaves or its shields stands out. Among them are the House of the Counts of Florida, the Palace of the Marquis of Villasegura or the House of the Counts of Creixell.

Rubielos de Mora Gate
Portal de San Antonio – A.Ruiz /

Other buildings of interest are the Town Hall, the old town hall and the Salvador Victoria Museum Foundation, which houses the artist’s work and that of some of his friends. We must also refer to the  center of Dinópolis, where you can see numerous fossils found in the area.

All this is framed by the walls that protected the town. And although the town had seven portals that led to its interior, today only two remain: the Portal de San Antonio and the Portal del Carmen. The first of them has one of the most beautiful towers and gates in Aragon.

Rubielos de Mora surroundings

Rubielos de Mora is located on the southern slope of the Sierra de Gúdar, so it has a great variety of landscapes and places of interest: gorges on the Mijares and Rubielos rivers, some farmhouses, the Balagueras reservoir …

Sierra de Gúdar near Rubielos de Mora
Sierra de Gúdar – Manel /

In addition, the area offers a wide range of possibilities when it comes to developing activities in the natural environment, such as skiing, since there are two stations, Jalambre and Valdelinares; or hiking. Regarding the latter, we should talk about the network of trails in the region, made up of dozens of signposted routes belonging to other major itineraries, such as the Camino del Santo Graial.

And for those who love history, tell them that Rubielos de Mora is a place of seal on the Camino del Cid, the famous resort that follows the literary and historical footsteps of Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar. Due to its length it is divided into routes. The one that concerns us is La Conquista de Valencia, which connects Teruel with Valencia and whose completion is recommended to be done in three days.

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