San Francisco And The American Dream

San Francisco and the American dream

San Francisco is a unique and inimitable city. Perhaps that is why it represents the famous American dream better than any other in the United States. In this incredible place everything is possible, since it is an eclectic population, open to all kinds of cultures and people and where you can find anything you can think of.

San Francisco, crossroads of cultures

In the city of San Francisco there is a crossroads of cultures that few other places have in the world. If we look at the United States, perhaps only New York will be able to imitate it. Outside, we can find London or Barcelona, ​​but the innumerable number of contrasts does not go much beyond a handful of large cities in the world.

Painted Ladies in San Francisco
Painted Ladies – Luciano Mortula

The city of San Francisco, perched on 20 hills and under a huge fault line, has become a true pilgrimage site for millions of visitors due to its contrasts and beauty. Huge skyscrapers skimming the clouds in front of vintage Victorian houses. Strange, right?

How to get to know San Francisco?

There are different ways to get to know San Francisco, but there are a number of special places that tell of the exciting life of this city. For years it has managed to overcome physical and social earthquakes to offer today a fascinating human geography reminiscent of the purest American dream.

The San Francisco cable car

Undoubtedly, one way to know the morphology of San Francisco is by using the famous cable car, which even has its own museum, known as the Cable Car Museum. There is no better way to see the physical and geographical fabric of a population than from the air.

The San Francisco streetcar

San Francisco streetcar
San Francisco tram – holbox

However, you will have seen in countless movies and series San Francisco citizens getting on the tram. Without a doubt, another symbol of the place that relates to the idiosyncrasy of those who live there. As we said, to be able to overcome the 20 hills on which the population sits, nothing like going in a comfortable cabin that keeps all the charm of yesteryear.

Golden gate

Golden Gate in San Francisco
Golden Gate – Pal Teravagimov

What would San Francisco be like the Golden Gate? Without a doubt, this is a population of symbols, and the Golden Gate is one of the most famous on the entire planet. Its spectacular nature has even made it the victim of alien attacks and villains in film engineering.

It’s no wonder that in a city where the American dream is so palpable, one of the symbols is a golden bridge. Suspended more than 200 meters above the sea for almost four kilometers, it is undoubtedly an attraction of the first magnitude.

Alcatraz island

Another important fact that the city of San Francisco associates with the American dream is its symbol of freedom. Different cultures and cultural and social movements coexist in the area smoothly. But, to remember this right, the island of Alcatraz remains in the geography of the place.

Once, Alcatraz was an impregnable prison for thousands of prisoners who found their bones in its thick walls. Gangs like Al Capone were illustrious residents of the place. Today you can visit by taking the ferry and discover a good part of the secrets it hides.

Fisherman’s wharf

Another of the symbols of San Francisco is Fisherman’s Wharf, a very touristy area in which the famous fishing pier has become an attraction in the area. Today, within the city’s eclectic food culture, there is no better place in the entire United States to eat great fresh seafood.

Union square

Union Square in San Francisco
Union Square – Rafael Ramirez Lee

Union Square a magnificent shopping area that could not be missing in the heart of the financial district. An essential place in a city where the intersection of cultures and environments is so palpable, and the American dream is more real than ever. And it could not have a more appropriate name, as it is one more example that everything is possible in San Francisco.

San Francisco Museums

Finally, and speaking of the openness of the city, we want to name the museums of San Francisco. They are many and very varied, as is logical, although two stand out above the others, the famous MOMA, Museum of Modern Art, and the Museum of Asian Art, the largest of all those outside the gigantic continent of Asia.

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