San Francisco De Campeche: A Place To Discover

The city of San Francisco de Campeche was a coveted place for centuries by pirates, hence its fortified appearance that so seduces 21st century travelers.
San Francisco de Campeche: a place to discover

Campeche is the name of one of the 31 states of the territory of Mexico. And although in its extension distributed by part of the Yucatan peninsula there are very interesting attractions, we must clarify that the following lines are going to be dedicated specifically to San Francisco de Campeche. This city is the capital of the state and is known simply as Campeche.

San Francisco de Campeche: a jewel to be exploited

The first thing we want to say if you are planning a trip to Mexico is that you value the possibility of spending a couple of days in Campeche very seriously. It is not the most familiar place in the country if you compare it with Acapulco, Cancun or Mexico City itself. However, every traveler who comes here is amazed by the place. Why? These are the reasons:

1. World Heritage Site

San Francisco de Campeche street
San Francisco de Campeche street

The historic center of San Francisco de Campeche is declared a Cultural Heritage of Humanity, since it keeps all the essence of an old fortified city in colonial times. It was a fortification that basically had one objective: to resist the many attacks it suffered from pirates and buccaneers from sailing through the Caribbean.

2. 59th street

It is the most vital and busy artery in Campeche. It is a street that runs from Puerta de la Tierra to Puerta del Mar. And between both monuments there are countless good restaurants to taste the rich and award-winning local cuisine.

Also there are the best hotels in Campeche. Many of them are located in historical buildings, since this entire area has a monumental beauty of the most photogenic.

3. Cathedral of San Francisco de Campeche

Campeche Cathedral

Of all the local heritage, the great cathedral of Nuestra Señora de la Purísima Concepción is one of the most resounding and attractive monuments. It is an architectural complex in the Baroque style built at the beginning of the 18th century. And as if the temple were not enough, you can also visit the Museum of Sacred Art, with curious and valuable liturgical objects.

4. Casa 6 Cultural Center

Another very attractive museum is the one that has been created inside this 19th century mansion. In it we can get an idea of ​​what life was like in this cozy city. Of course, the life of the richest class, since the furniture and exhibits belonged to the great fortunes that lived in Campeche.

5. The boardwalk

Fort of San Miguel in San Francisco de Campeche
Fort of San Miguel

The streets of San Francisco de Campeche always face the sea, and its attractive boardwalk awaits us. It is its long promenade, which is more than three kilometers long.

Strolling through it and crossing the Puerta del Mar we can take a photo with the letters that make up the word Campeche, an increasingly global tourist practice, since the same happens in places like Vitoria-Gasteiz or in Amsterdam.

But that walk along the boardwalk invites us to remember the pirates who tried to attack Campeche so many times and who forced to build all the fortifications that can be seen from here.

Up to 6 different bastions and two forts are distinguished. Some of them have been recovered as museum spaces. This is the case of the bastion of La Soledad, which is a Museum of Mayan Architecture, or the fort of San Miguel, which houses the collection of the Archaeological Museum of Campeche.

The surroundings of San Francisco de Campeche

Pyramid at the Ezna site
Ezna site

While in Campeche we recommend you make a couple of outings through the state. An excursion may well be to the nearby town of Becal, famous for its handmade jiji hats, which are a great souvenir .

And another excursion can take you to the interesting sites of Edzna or Calakmull. Both are from pre-Hispanic times and belong to the rich heritage that the Mayan culture has bequeathed to Mexico, although since they do not belong to the famous Riviera Maya, they can be enjoyed with less stress by visitors. So we recommend you not to miss those visits!

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